International 454 missing


New User
Hello all!

Just registered and new user. I'm a big fan of IH tractors and finally bought my own the past December. It's a 1971 gas job 454.
I was mowing with flail mower yesterday and it started to miss. I thought I was low on fuel so I added. I took some time and made adjustments to mower. The tractor started back up and I mowed for another hour. It started to miss again and shut off. I started it and pulled into barn. It would idle but wouldn't get over 1500RPM. It would cut out.. When I shut off it knocked for about 30 seconds then quit. It now turns over but will not crank up. I am reasonably mechanically inclined but don't know where to was running a lil warm so I will replace thermostat. But the missing and such I don't know where to begin

Any suggestions would be helpful!
I'd check al the spark plugs and make sure there in good shape. If it sort of ran on after being shut off it say you have some hot spots as in carbon build up that needs to be cleaned up.
Hello XL welcome to YT! Interesting choice for a
handle. First when you say it knocked for 30 seconds,
was it really 30 seconds? Hopefully, you are just
referring to on.. or ..dieseling.. in other words the
engine kept running when the key was off but making a
knocking noise, this does not harm the engine. A warm or hot engine is more prone to
do that. The main thing that causes that is the idle is
set to high or the throttle was to far open. You will
have guys chiming in here telling you the timing is set
wrong causing this. That is not correct, when you turn
off the key the spark plugs stop firing. If it does this in the future you can just put it in a higher gear and hold the brakes and let out the clutch to stop the engine. If it continues to do this we can discuss that problem more once you have it running. Secondly, it
sounds like your not getting enough fuel to the carb. It
looks like that tractor has a fuel pump. Find something
to clean to catch the fuel from the drain plug on the
bottom of carb. The carb should have fuel in the bowl
you are going to empty that. After it empties look to
see how it looks is there water or other crud in it?
Empty that out and devise a way to keep your
container under the carb. Now pull the coil wire out of
the distributor and ground it to something. Crank the
engine for a five count. You should have caught at
least a 1/4 cup of fuel. If not something is not allowing
enough fuel to get to the fuel pump or the fuel pump is
bad. Something fairly easy to check is the sediment
bowl under the tank, part 11 in the photo. It looks like
you have 2 valves to shut off to stop fuel from draining
while you are checking this out. If you see any other
filters in the line near the carb or fuel pump these were
added later and could be suspect for plugging as well.
If the tractor was not used much before you got it
taking it out and using it sloshes the fuel around in the
tank stirring up crud that may have developed while
the tractor was just setting around. Although points
generally do not limit engine rpm it would not be a bad
idea to take a look at them. They should open .020 in.
on the high part of the bump on the distributor cam
lobe, about the thickness of a table knife. The contact
should flat and not burned or pitted. That should get
you a start on figuring out the problem.

Used Red Man is correct, and old has a good idea as well. I will ad that setting the point gap may be needed as well. .020inch with the distributor cam opening the points max. Jim

Thank you so much for the replies and advice! I knew I'd get some help here. I've been sent out of town for work and will be back Thursday night. I can do everything as mentioned!! I will provide updates!
I now have more time to reply since I'm stationary.
The handle is a play on vocation and my robust nature!!
You are correct in suggesting that it was diesel*ing. When it was dying out I was in mid throttle. Then shut key off.
It did sit in a dealer lot for MONTHS before I bought it. I did drive it round fields and stuff a few times but not as much as this cutting was.
Whatever is going on now is puzzling. it seems to be getting zero fuel now. It just cranked over.
I will work through your suggestions and figure this out. It's a great tractor and I look forward to using it!!
Again, Thank You!
If it has a wire going to a solenoid on the carburetor, put a jumper from the battery + to the solenoid connection. Have seen the wire go bad and cause problems.
I will second what the other posters
have said. We also had this happen
on the 454 we had. A new carb
solenoid cured the problem as it
wasn't fully opening and closing as
it should.
I am very curious about solenoid on carb. I am away for work and have looked at carbs online I see where there is a solenoid. Mine has a brass piece sticking out but no solenoid.
Whole other issue, I cannot get throttle stay "open" it has lever and it doesn't "stay put".. trying figure that out too. I again appreciate the feedback and assistance. I definitely want get it going well!!
My 574 did the same thing a few years ago - There is trash [rust, etc] in the bottom of the gas
tank, right above the fuel bowl, you have to drain the tank, remove the bowl & shutoff valve to
clean it out. Also, a fine screen in the carb right where the fuel line goes in.
No solenoid, no problem, go with the others say and check fuel flow, before the carb and through the bowl drain.
Got home from out of town this am.
Turned fuel on and tried starting tractor.. wouldn't go.
So, I took plug from bottom of carb nothing there. I pulled fuel line from carb and cranked engine, nothing.
So. I took line running into fuel pump off, nothing. I removed sediment bowl and turned fuel on, it drips out. So, I know I have garbage in tank. I will get something to suck the fuel out, and then remove the sediment bowl base to clean tank out. All of my fittings and petcocks are a touch wonkie, so I'll order all new!
I think this should do it.. sadly I'll be away again from Sunday. But parts will arrive while I am gone.
Thank you again and I will provide updates.

I ordered all new petcock assemblies and drained all fuel from tank. Tried my best to flush tank..I re assembled and it fired up!
My issue now is there is fuel leaking from where the brass piece is for the solenoid is. I'm not sure what's going on there. Do I need a new O ring or does carb need rebuild?


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