International 56 planter fertilizer tubes


Can anyone tell me if aftermarket fertilizer tubes are made for IH 56 planters? These are the rubber corrugated tubes with clamp and clip. I think part number is 492853R91 or 492852R91. Looks like online they want over $65 for one tube. Looking around, some of the John Deere fertilizer tubes look almost identical. Like a John Deere 702 and 1750 series corn planters. Has anyone gone this route and used them on a 56 planter? Thanks


Can anyone tell me if aftermarket fertilizer tubes are made for IH 56 planters? These are the rubber corrugated tubes with clamp and clip. I think part number is 492853R91 or 492852R91. Looks like online they want over $65 for one tube. Looking around, some of the John Deere fertilizer tubes look almost identical. Like a John Deere 702 and 1750 series corn planters. Has anyone gone this route and used them on a 56 planter? Thanks

I do know the rubber tubes were all that were avaible over 10 years ago so I would think they are still avaible. Price do idea. And I don't think tubes from any other planter will fit Diameter and length. I had an Amish friend that bought one and was going to convert it to clutvh lift for horses but when I explained oll the problems with that he gave yo on trying to do that.
Just thinking maybe sump pump discharge hose
or shop vac hose might be close on size. I recall
the original hoses were soft ringed rubber & weren't
all that long---maybe 18 to 24 inches.
Brings back memories of stacking tons of plastic
starter fertilizer bags away in February or March.
Take an old one in and compare them. To long and they sag\bag and then plug up with the fertilizer or seed. to short and they will either pull out or tear off.
I have a JD drill, early 1960's vintage best I can tell and ebay has supplied me with numerous parts over the years....mostly used but very serviceable. All States Ag. Parts are nationwide and carry new, rebuilt and used parts.

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