International Harvester 238 Obsolete Fuel Sender - universal sender an option?


I work for a not-for-profit land trust. We recently recieved a donation of a IH 238 tractor. It is in great shape and am really looking forward to using it on our properties. It does, however, have a few quirks.

First, I've been able to find next to no info on it except on TractorData. It apparently it is the same tractor as a 384 only the industrial version of it.

I DO have an original service manual and parts manual for it!

One of the "quirks" is the fuel gauge no longer works. Apparently the fuel sender (part 3111979) is obsolete.

Does anyone have luck using one of the many universal sending units that work on a IH that are out there?

Welcome to YT forums. Test first to see if it is the gauge or sender! there are several videos on line for this process.
The biggest issue will be if the mounting system is compatible with the tank. If it is, then using it still requires testing it prior to assembly and use as follows: Ground the mounting flange to the tractor with a jumper. Connect the terminal to the tractor gauge wire. Turn on the key and move the float assessing the gauge movement. If it works all is good. make sure the float doesn't hit anything inside the tank. Watch fuel level as the tractor is used (a clean yard stick in the tank fill cap) to make sure the relationship from gauge to fuel level. Jim

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