International Harvester 2424 PTO Engagement


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Finally got my 2424 working and tried to cut some grass with a brush hog. What I noticed was when I was trying to engage the PTO and move it into the rear position, the tractor wasn't liking it, gears were jamming (clutch was fully depressed). Is there a correct procedure of engaging the pto, like out of gear, clutch down, not moving? Or do you think the clutch in general needs to be adjusted?? Any info would be helpful.
Describe "jamming."

If the lever simply did not want to slip easily into position, that is a simple matter of operator error. If you are holding everything stopped with the brakes and the gears aren't perfectly lined up, the PTO will not slip in easily. You need to "finesse" it, possibly by letting the tractor move a little bit or feathering the clutch to cause the gear train to move slightly in the tractor. Don't let the clutch out so far that things start spinning, just so that things move slightly.
When I had everything depressed, brakes and clutch, the gears were grinding together. I had to force the lever into rear position. It could be operator error, at one point I think I was moving. But I believed I tried it sitting still also and same effect.
When I had everything depressed, brakes and clutch, the gears were grinding together. I had to force the lever into rear position. It could be operator error, at one point I think I was moving. But I believed I tried it sitting still also and same effect.
From your description it sounds like your tractor has the two-stage clutch "live PTO" option and the PTO clutch lined disc is rusted/stuck to the flywheel or pressure plate, or possibly the pressure plate PTO "fingers" are out of adjustment or something is mechanically wrong preventing PTO clutch disengagement.
Good luck! I have not been able to use the PTO on my 2424 for many years. It seems to engage correctly, but then wants to jump out of gear - I had to hold the lever back the last time I tried to use it.
Hello All-

Finally got my 2424 working and tried to cut some grass with a brush hog. What I noticed was when I was trying to engage the PTO and move it into the rear position, the tractor wasn't liking it, gears were jamming (clutch was fully depressed). Is there a correct procedure of engaging the pto, like out of gear, clutch down, not moving? Or do you think the clutch in general needs to be adjusted?? Any info would be helpful.
Can you engage the PTO with the tractor off? What happens if you start it when it's engaged? May need to get a manual & check adjustments. I have a 2444 & am not sure that would be the same info or not.

Edit: The manual you would want is GSS-1359.

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Try with the tractor in gear setting still to engage the PTO this will be sure all gears are at a stop. If it then engages without grinding it is letting the gears align correctly to engage smoothly and if it still grinds then you may have the Live PTO option and it may need adjustment to work correctly. If no grinding and live PTO then it will need a bit more research to it. Let us know how the transmission in gear with clutch down and stopped works for you.
Try with the tractor in gear setting still to engage the PTO this will be sure all gears are at a stop. If it then engages without grinding it is letting the gears align correctly to engage smoothly and if it still grinds then you may have the Live PTO option and it may need adjustment to work correctly. If no grinding and live PTO then it will need a bit more research to it. Let us know how the transmission in gear with clutch down and stopped works for you.

Try with the tractor in gear setting still to engage the PTO this will be sure all gears are at a stop. If it then engages without grinding it is letting the gears align correctly to engage smoothly and if it still grinds then you may have the Live PTO option and it may need adjustment to work correctly. If no grinding and live PTO then it will need a bit more research to it. Let us know how the transmission in gear with clutch down and stopped works for you.
Read my post (#4).

If, in fact he has that type of PTO (two stage clutch), none of what you wrote is applicable to his situation.
It'll be a month before I get back to my farm in northern michigan to verify the advise. I will tell you that when the tractor was off I accidently pulled the PTO lever back climbing out of the seat and when I started the tractor the PTO went live. After the tractor was stopped again I pulled the lever forward. No issue no grinding that time. When I'm up there again I will try these scenario's and report back. I'm hoping its user error and not something mechanical.
i know my 444 you have to have the clutch pedal on the floor board to get the PTO disengaged and barely move it up and the PTO is going. it also occasionally pops out of gear but the gear lever is broken so no detent (I think is supposed to have a detent???? the lever that was cobbled up on the tractor does not look like what is in any parts books)

I'm afraid mine is in need of an adjustment or worse a new clutch. the tractor has a million hours (hour meter does not work) and grandpa used it for everything including alot of PTO work mowing/baling hay and probably some corn picking and brush hogging and spreading manure. I only use it for some light brush hogging grass/weeds.

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