New User
Hello All-
Finally got my 2424 working and tried to cut some grass with a brush hog. What I noticed was when I was trying to engage the PTO and move it into the rear position, the tractor wasn't liking it, gears were jamming (clutch was fully depressed). Is there a correct procedure of engaging the pto, like out of gear, clutch down, not moving? Or do you think the clutch in general needs to be adjusted?? Any info would be helpful.
Finally got my 2424 working and tried to cut some grass with a brush hog. What I noticed was when I was trying to engage the PTO and move it into the rear position, the tractor wasn't liking it, gears were jamming (clutch was fully depressed). Is there a correct procedure of engaging the pto, like out of gear, clutch down, not moving? Or do you think the clutch in general needs to be adjusted?? Any info would be helpful.