Is this box original on the farmall bn?


Hello my farmall bn has this small box with wires in it. Is this from ih factory does it belong. If it don't belong I'll remove it. The box is connected to the gas tank support.


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Hello my farmall bn has this small box with wires in it. Is this from ih factory does it belong. If it don't belong I'll remove it. The box is connected to the gas tank support.
It says "Intermatic" on the cover of the box, a manufacturer of control timers.

Someone "repurposed" the metal enclosure.
It has wires going into it from the main wires running to the front.
It is being used as a junction box for the wiring binding strips. Those are a good idea, but need to be kept dry. A more tidy box with grommets to avoid damaging the wires is a good idea. Weather proof grey plastic wide outlet boxes from a hardware store would work with an appropriate cover. Jim
If you would like I could post a picture of the electric box on my BN. I'm thinking most of the Farmalls of that era used the same box with the amp meter and light switch in it.
I bet Rube Goldberg has the patent for that wiring set up. I see what is probably the on/off is in there to keep it out of the weather. There is hardly enough wiring on those old Farmalls to require a junction box. :LOL: I agree with wo about “Intermatic”

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