Iseki SX series tractors

DavidP, South Wales

Well-known Member
Hello, I'm seeking any information on Iseki SX series tractors particularly those imported into the UK. Please see
'Lesser Known Classics' forum. Thanks
DavidP, South Wales
All I've ever seen around here is Bolens Iseki garden tractors and lawn mowers. They had a diesel engine around 20 HP. That don't mean there are not any around but don'think they were common in this area.
Hi Phil, the SX range in the mid 80s consisted of the 50HP, 65, 75 and 6 cylinder 95HP. The Iseki importers at the time brought around 12 into the UK to 'test the water'. It is believed that a council on the south coast of England bought 2 of them for levelling the sand on the beaches. I travelled to Warrington near Liverpool several years ago to photograph an SX 95 that was for sale. I had hoped that the new owner would contact me but never did. The SXs were used widely in the gruelling conditions of the Australian sugar-cane industry and proved to be very reliable.
DavidP, South Wales
Hi Dave,
What info are you looking for in regards to the Iseki range of tractors?
Shoot me an email with any questions you may have, and I'll try to help with your enquiry mate,
regards, Evan.

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