ISO Furukawa fd45 or Hitachi dx45 manual.

I need a technical or shop manual. Have transmission torn apart trying to find friction disks. Have the part numbers but would like a parts breakdown.
Don't know if you already got what you needed, but I do have the parts manual to the FD45. I could never find a service manual for this machine.
Just let me know if you need the parts manual.

[email protected]
I sell PDF copies of FD 40/45 REPAIRS & Dx 40/45 PARTS manuals.
Also Mitsubishi BD2/BS3 manuals & Furukawa FL90 manuals.
PM me if required.
I need a parts manual for the 45, can you supply? I will pay
[email protected]
Welcome to the forums.

He might reply but his avatar indicates he only made two posts, both in this 6 year old thread. You may want to contact JiminOz using the Conversation (PM) feature, visible if you click on his avatar.


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