Jim in LA

I started the 8N yesterday afternoon. Cleaned out the f temporary fuel tank and disassembled the carburetor. I got to thinking the fuel may not be getting into the engine and sure enough the float needle was sticking closed. I ended up replacing the needle and seat with new parts left over from previous carb work. Engine ran poorly and after slight rotation of the distributor smoothed out nicely. 1st start had no oil pressure and no oil at the main junction block. Removed oil relief plug(WASN’T TIGHTENED DOWN🤦) and squirted oil into galley and restarted. No pressure, fist bumped the oil gauge and pressure came up, shut off and restarted to confirm and everything was OK. Made a short video, will try to link later. Now I gotta pull the steering box for some repairs.
I started the 8N yesterday afternoon. Cleaned out the f temporary fuel tank and disassembled the carburetor. I got to thinking the fuel may not be getting into the engine and sure enough the float needle was sticking closed. I ended up replacing the needle and seat with new parts left over from previous carb work. Engine ran poorly and after slight rotation of the distributor smoothed out nicely. 1st start had no oil pressure and no oil at the main junction block. Removed oil relief plug(WASN’T TIGHTENED DOWN🤦) and squirted oil into galley and restarted. No pressure, fist bumped the oil gauge and pressure came up, shut off and restarted to confirm and everything was OK. Made a short video, will try to link later. Now I gotta pull the steering box for some repairs.
Did you forget to prime the pump?
I started the 8N yesterday afternoon. Cleaned out the f temporary fuel tank and disassembled the carburetor. I got to thinking the fuel may not be getting into the engine and sure enough the float needle was sticking closed. I ended up replacing the needle and seat with new parts left over from previous carb work. Engine ran poorly and after slight rotation of the distributor smoothed out nicely. 1st start had no oil pressure and no oil at the main junction block. Removed oil relief plug(WASN’T TIGHTENED DOWN🤦) and squirted oil into galley and restarted. No pressure, fist bumped the oil gauge and pressure came up, shut off and restarted to confirm and everything was OK. Made a short video, will try to link later. Now I gotta pull the steering box for some repairs.
Can you elaborate on the process of rotating the distributor?
Can you elaborate on the process of rotating the distributor?
Side mounted, I loosened the distributor clamp screw, not the bolt, and turned the distributor slightly left if I remember correctly. It took only a small amount and the engine was running smoothly. The new mufflerassembly evidently is just a long 3 or 4 inch round tube attached to the exhaust pipe with no baffling at all. The exhaust noise at ten feet is measured at 97 Db. I couldn’t help but notice how loud it is. My brother was in the house 100 ft. away while I was running it yesterday and he said it sounded like a small,airplane running up it’s engine at the end of the runway. Good thing is, it doesn’t smoke anymore.
I started the 8N yesterday afternoon. Cleaned out the f temporary fuel tank and disassembled the carburetor. I got to thinking the fuel may not be getting into the engine and sure enough the float needle was sticking closed. I ended up replacing the needle and seat with new parts left over from previous carb work. Engine ran poorly and after slight rotation of the distributor smoothed out nicely. 1st start had no oil pressure and no oil at the main junction block. Removed oil relief plug(WASN’T TIGHTENED DOWN🤦) and squirted oil into galley and restarted. No pressure, fist bumped the oil gauge and pressure came up, shut off and restarted to confirm and everything was OK. Made a short video, will try to link later. Now I gotta pull the steering box for some repairs.
You probably saw this before . . .
I bought a disappointing carb kit locally this year and when I saw that the needle didn't have the annulus where a little clip connects, that ties it to the center of the floats so that the floats will always pull the needle downward when they drop . . . I left my current needle in. That kit with the little clip came in a YT carb kit I bought over five years ago. Thanks YT.

You probably saw this before . . .
I bought a disappointing carb kit locally this year and when I saw that the needle didn't have the annulus where a little clip connects, that ties it to the center of the floats so that the floats will always pull the needle downward when they drop . . . I left my current needle in. That kit with the little clip came in a YT carb kit I bought over five years ago. Thanks YT.

I see the $57 comprehensive kit has the fancy needle and clip. I think I adjusted my float arms the wrong way. The cheap plastic fuel shut leaks by and the gas runs out the carb air inlet. That will be remedied soon, too much interference right now.

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