JC 250 side delivery rake part


New User
Hello, I am trying to see if anyone has the specs for a John Deere model 350 serial #17851 side delivery hay rake pto shaft that goes from the tractor to the implement. This one was loaned out after working for years and when we went to pick it up, the person who had it didn't have the part from the tractor to the rake and didn't know where it was and now I need it to use the rake for square bales. Does anyone have one or have the manual that will tell the specs? I can get one made at the local machine shop if they have the specs. Thanks so much! (and of course when I typed the thread name, it came out "JC" instead of "JD" and "250" instead of "350"........so goes my life!)
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You can access the Deere parts books for that rake for free - see link below for the PTO shaft detail. But even without specifics, any local driveline shop or ag dealer should be able to fab something up without knowing the precise spec's. All they need is the input shaft size/spline count on the rake, and the distance (when mounted) from the rake input shaft to the tractor PTO. I could be wrong, but I think the 350 rake has the same 6-spline, 1-3/8" input shaft on the rake as a typical 540 PTO. Get them to make it a little long and you can cut the shafts down to suit. Just make sure you cut enough off: A lot of drivelines on equipment have been ruined when folks don't make the shaft short enough. They'll cut it so it works when the equipment's on the ground, then they raise the hitch and there's not enough room for the shafts to collapse, and it blows out a gearbox or bearing because of the axial load.

If the reason they want to know the spec's is for HP sizing, I would just tell them it's for an old rake and doesn't need anything fancy/large. Even if you had 100 HP tractor in front of it, there's probably never more than 20 HP going through that shaft, because the single V-belt drive and shear bolt on those 350 rakes would slip/break long before the rake used more HP.

You can access the Deere parts books for that rake for free - see link below for the PTO shaft detail. But even without specifics, any local driveline shop or ag dealer should be able to fab something up without knowing the precise spec's. All they need is the input shaft size/spline count on the rake, and the distance (when mounted) from the rake input shaft to the tractor PTO. I could be wrong, but I think the 350 rake has the same 6-spline, 1-3/8" input shaft on the rake as a typical 540 PTO. Get them to make it a little long and you can cut the shafts down to suit. Just make sure you cut enough off: A lot of drivelines on equipment have been ruined when folks don't make the shaft short enough. They'll cut it so it works when the equipment's on the ground, then they raise the hitch and there's not enough room for the shafts to collapse, and it blows out a gearbox or bearing because of the axial load.

If the reason they want to know the spec's is for HP sizing, I would just tell them it's for an old rake and doesn't need anything fancy/large. Even if you had 100 HP tractor in front of it, there's probably never more than 20 HP going through that shaft, because the single V-belt drive and shear bolt on those 350 rakes would slip/break long before the rake used more HP.

Thank you so much! It is an old rake and I need it to rake hay for square bales for my horses. It's my brother's and he originally used it to fluff litter in his commercial poultry houses. When he sold those, he let someone borrow it for hay and when he moved back home and I convinced him to go and get it, the person didn't have the shaft for the tractor, so it's been without since we brought it home. He told me it's a 540 6-spline shaft, and when I went to the machine shop in town to see if they could make one, the shop engineer drew me a diagram and said I would need a measurement from the tractor to the rake. I am using my dad's old Ford 3500 tractor - everything I have to use is old! - and right now I am having it looked at so I can't back it up to the rake to get a measurement, so I am going to try to get a cousin or neighbor to see if they will take their tractor so I can use it for a measurement. I will take your instructions as well, so maybe I can get another shaft for it to work. I went to the local JD (Ag UP) store here and the person in the parts department told me they can't get specs or parts for that model hay rake anymore because it's too old. So I am trying to find a copy of the original manual and parts book that came with it - I've seen them on ebay and other places - so maybe it will be listed in there. A lot of worry to get something fixed that shouldn't have been lost in the first place! :) The baler I got to run is an old NH 273 and I just got a sickle bar that can be pulled by the horses or the tractor. I wanted to use the horses to pull the rake, as it's less pull on them than the mower, but the rake it not ground driven. I have seen someone who took an old tractor and made it into a forecart for horses so they could pull tractor implements, which may be a future project. Also, since it's covered (or was) in green paint, the parts are higher than other brands. I checked on the belt while I was at the JD shop and it's gonna be around $140 with tax and all. If I can get it going, I will at least have a way to get some hay put up for the horses this year, since last year, hay was hard to get in winter.

I have tried looking up the part and it won't let me see the 350 model rake. Grrr! Hoping when the manuals arrive, the specs will be listed! Thank you so much for answering my question(s). I know so little about this stuff it takes me twice as long as anyone else to get anything done!

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