JD 1520 dual clutch adjustment


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I rebuilt the clutch on my 1972 1520...new plates, spring, fingers, etc. Installed it and front and back ends reconnected without problem. After starting, did a bit of adjusting to get it to go into gear. Does so fine now. However, the dual clutch will not stop the PTO. The PTO will engage and disengage with no obvious problems but the clutch completely depressed will not stop the PTO. I tried loosening the fingers and it has made no difference. Should I tighten them instead? Full disclosure, the clutch was installed a couple years ago and the tractor has sat unused while finding a working fuel injection pump. Due to humidity and rain/heat in south Alabama, some rust is visible on the clutch assembly through the inspection port. The tractor will drive and allow me to shift gears but will not stop the PTO...
I rebuilt the clutch on my 1972 1520...new plates, spring, fingers, etc. Installed it and front and back ends reconnected without problem. After starting, did a bit of adjusting to get it to go into gear. Does so fine now. However, the dual clutch will not stop the PTO. The PTO will engage and disengage with no obvious problems but the clutch completely depressed will not stop the PTO. I tried loosening the fingers and it has made no difference. Should I tighten them instead? Full disclosure, the clutch was installed a couple years ago and the tractor has sat unused while finding a working fuel injection pump. Due to humidity and rain/heat in south Alabama, some rust is visible on the clutch assembly through the inspection port. The tractor will drive and allow me to shift gears but will not stop the PTO...
PTO disc may be stuck from setting. When you rebuilt the clutch, did you build it out in the flywheel on the bench and adjust it by the manual while on the bench?. I believe the manual tells how to adjust, if needed, in place after installation.

Do you have the correct John Deere technical/service manual for your 1520?
I'm not a fan of adjusting dual stage clutch adjusting bolts after tractor 1/2's have been joined. BUT if one elects to adjust the nuts would require tightening/adjusting so to extend pressure plate fingers further from engine flywheel. I suggest attaching 3 pt post hole digger to pto & very carefully with engine operating at idle speed digging some holes with clutch pedal fully depressed.

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