JD 1520 Independent PTO problem


New User
I've got a JD 1520 Diesel, with independent PTO ( lever between shifters ) here's my problem if the function is turned to the off position after a few minutes of operating steering you lose all power assist & hydraulics to raise the 3 point hitch ? Re-engage it and all hydraulics come back , all I can figure is the is something causing it to dump all pressure when in the off position ? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Well “DURT” no takers yet. Maybe after the Easter weekend the folks will get back to their normal routine and make their early AM check of YT and share their knowledge. I know some models have a transmission lube pump that supplies a reservoir up front over the main crank driven hydraulic pump. On the ones I am aware of when the machine drive clutch is disengaged it will stop the “charge” pump. Given enough time and hydraulic fluid use, this will make the main hydraulic pump quit pumping. Letting the machine clutch re-engage restores fluid to the front reservoir. I am not familiar with any that the PTO must be in gear to engage the charge pump.
Well “DURT” no takers yet. Maybe after the Easter weekend the folks will get back to their normal routine and make their early AM check of YT and share their knowledge. I know some models have a transmission lube pump that supplies a reservoir up front over the main crank driven hydraulic pump. On the ones I am aware of when the machine drive clutch is disengaged it will stop the “charge” pump. Given enough time and hydraulic fluid use, this will make the main hydraulic pump quit pumping. Letting the machine clutch re-engage restores fluid to the front reservoir. I am not familiar with any that the PTO must be in gear to engage the charge pump.
Red, his question has been answered on the DEERE Board. Most likely, there is a "leak to sump' in the PTO brake circuit.
Good reason why you shouldn't spam a bunch of different forums with the same question.
I'm new here and I posted the question where I thought it belonged , later on I was informed be another helpful member that I would be better off to get a response in thee JD group and to report my 1st post to the administration to be removed & move my question to the appropriate location, so no I was not spamming multiple threads with the same question just looking for a helpful person to talk with me regarding a issue with a tractor, If the site was set up to where a poster could remove or edit a post they have made I'd have removed & replaced it to the appropriate area myself, sorry for the confusion
I'm new here and I posted the question where I thought it belonged , later on I was informed be another helpful member that I would be better off to get a response in thee JD group and to report my 1st post to the administration to be removed & move my question to the appropriate location, so no I was not spamming multiple threads with the same question just looking for a helpful person to talk with me regarding a issue with a tractor, If the site was set up to where a poster could remove or edit a post they have made I'd have removed & replaced it to the appropriate area myself, sorry for the confusion
We all like to pull out our cap pistols! :LOL: Glad you received an answer!
I'm new here and I posted the question where I thought it belonged , later on I was informed be another helpful member that I would be better off to get a response in thee JD group and to report my 1st post to the administration to be removed & move my question to the appropriate location, so no I was not spamming multiple threads with the same question just looking for a helpful person to talk with me regarding a issue with a tractor, If the site was set up to where a poster could remove or edit a post they have made I'd have removed & replaced it to the appropriate area myself, sorry for the confusion
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