JD 2020 seat suspension


Well-known Member
a while ago i had posted a few questions about a 2020 deere that a friend was looking at. He ended up buying it for a pretty good deal.

when we looked at it I test drove it. I could use a diet of course but i'm not too out of shape.

my friend however is something over 300lbs. (he didn't specify) I didn't notice any issues with the seat but he has alot of trouble with it as when the 2020 seat goes down it also goes forward and his gut is basically hitting the steering wheel. He put a new shock/spring unit on and it helped some with other riders but not him. he put a block of wood in the suspension to help and that kinda works but of course no spring ride now.

was there only 1 seat option for those tractors? and does anyone have any suggestions on what do to maybe help or fix the situation?
Very few people were 300+ when that tractor was being built so there was no consideration given to people that heavy. So, there aren't any factory seat options that will accommodate someone that large.

As a heavy guy myself, I don't like the seat moving around. I would stick with the block of wood. If you're bouncing around so much you NEED the spring ride, slow down.
a while ago i had posted a few questions about a 2020 deere that a friend was looking at. He ended up buying it for a pretty good deal.

when we looked at it I test drove it. I could use a diet of course but i'm not too out of shape.

my friend however is something over 300lbs. (he didn't specify) I didn't notice any issues with the seat but he has alot of trouble with it as when the 2020 seat goes down it also goes forward and his gut is basically hitting the steering wheel. He put a new shock/spring unit on and it helped some with other riders but not him. he put a block of wood in the suspension to help and that kinda works but of course no spring ride now.

was there only 1 seat option for those tractors? and does anyone have any suggestions on what do to maybe help or fix the situation?
I'm not familiar with the specifics of that particular seat, but my first thought is worn bushings allowing the seat to move too far forward as it goes down.
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a while ago i had posted a few questions about a 2020 deere that a friend was looking at. He ended up buying it for a pretty good deal.

when we looked at it I test drove it. I could use a diet of course but i'm not too out of shape.

my friend however is something over 300lbs. (he didn't specify) I didn't notice any issues with the seat but he has alot of trouble with it as when the 2020 seat goes down it also goes forward and his gut is basically hitting the steering wheel. He put a new shock/spring unit on and it helped some with other riders but not him. he put a block of wood in the suspension to help and that kinda works but of course no spring ride now.

was there only 1 seat option for those tractors? and does anyone have any suggestions on what do to maybe help or fix the situation?
I assume it has power steering? How about a smaller steering wheel?
a while ago i had posted a few questions about a 2020 deere that a friend was looking at. He ended up buying it for a pretty good deal.

when we looked at it I test drove it. I could use a diet of course but i'm not too out of shape.

my friend however is something over 300lbs. (he didn't specify) I didn't notice any issues with the seat but he has alot of trouble with it as when the 2020 seat goes down it also goes forward and his gut is basically hitting the steering wheel. He put a new shock/spring unit on and it helped some with other riders but not him. he put a block of wood in the suspension to help and that kinda works but of course no spring ride now.

was there only 1 seat option for those tractors? and does anyone have any suggestions on what do to maybe help or fix the situation?
one example
Take the old Shock/spring and match it with a specialty shock/spring combo from a Manufacturer like Fox or JEG. Jim
a while ago i had posted a few questions about a 2020 deere that a friend was looking at. He ended up buying it for a pretty good deal.

when we looked at it I test drove it. I could use a diet of course but i'm not too out of shape.

my friend however is something over 300lbs. (he didn't specify) I didn't notice any issues with the seat but he has alot of trouble with it as when the 2020 seat goes down it also goes forward and his gut is basically hitting the steering wheel. He put a new shock/spring unit on and it helped some with other riders but not him. he put a block of wood in the suspension to help and that kinda works but of course no spring ride now.

was there only 1 seat option for those tractors? and does anyone have any suggestions on what do to maybe help or fix the situation?
I have a 2030 and I'm assuming the seats are similar. Look at where the seat frame is connected to the tractor. There should be two bolts (each is in an slot). Loosen these bolts up, slide the seat frame all the way back and retighten the bolts.

Hope that helps. Larry
I have a 2030 and I'm assuming the seats are similar. Look at where the seat frame is connected to the tractor. There should be two bolts (each is in an slot). Loosen these bolts up, slide the seat frame all the way back and retighten the bolts.

Hope that helps. Larry
will take a look at that.

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