JD 450B - turns easily in reverse, but hard in forward


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I have a 1970's JD 450B dozer.
Going forward I have to pull on the lever hard to get a little turn.
However, it will turn on a dime in reverse, left and right.

How do I fix this? Is there a way to adjust the two (right and left) drive levers so the dozer turns easily in both forward and reverse?
I have a 1970's JD 450B dozer.
Going forward I have to pull on the lever hard to get a little turn.
However, it will turn on a dime in reverse, left and right.

How do I fix this? Is there a way to adjust the two (right and left) drive levers so the dozer turns easily in both forward and reverse?
Welcome to the Forums.

A 450B should be a dry steering system. Any grease, oil, water, or other contamination can cause issues. The step-by-step adjustment procedure is in both the Operator's and Technical Manuals. The adjustments all need to be done in the order written, no shortcuts. If they are way out, you may need to do them a couple times after you run it a bit each time to get things straightened out.

To get a free copy of the Operator's Manual go to the John Deere's Construction and Forestry Bookstore. Here is a link.

JD Construction and Forestry Bookstore

On the homepage type 450B in the model box then click the search icon next to the middle box. When that page opens it will list manuals for several machines with 450B in the name. On the left side of the page is Filter list, down near the bottom of the list check the crawlers box to reduce the list to the ones for the 450B crawler. You should now have a list of the manuals available for your machine. Down the list you will find OMT40817 the 450B Operator's Manual. At the left of the title there is a yellow Download button. Click on it to download a FREE copy to your device. You can save it and print it if you want. The Green Button allows just viewing online. You can purchase a copy if you don't want to download it.

The other manuals there are all items that have to be purchased regardless of media type. The Technical (service) Manual is TM1033. PC1170 is the parts Catalog for the 450B crawler. The Parts Catalog is available to use online at no cost. Here is a link to it.

450B Parts Catalog PC1170
I downloaded the manual. Thank you.

One question. Are there different brakes and clutches for forward and reverse? I am wondering why the steering works so perfectly in reverse and almost not at all in forward? Is this possible if the same brake/clutch mechanism is employed in both reverse and forward?

This is my first ever tractor and no almost zero about heavy equipment. So, I hope my question isn't really dumb. But it does have me confused. Thanks
I downloaded the manual. Thank you.

One question. Are there different brakes and clutches for forward and reverse? I am wondering why the steering works so perfectly in reverse and almost not at all in forward? Is this possible if the same brake/clutch mechanism is employed in both reverse and forward?

This is my first ever tractor and no almost zero about heavy equipment. So, I hope my question isn't really dumb. But it does have me confused. Thanks
the same steering clutches and brakes work in both forward and reverse. serious out of adjustment can cause what you describe as can wear and contamination. First step is a full, complete adjustment. Report back on what you see inside the housings.

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