JD #5 mower hydraulic cylinder

I have just begun rebuilding a #5 mower that has been in the family for almost 60 years. It is in excellent condition for its age. It was originally on a JD B and had a hydraulic ram to lift the sickle bar. Does anyone know what length ram it is designed for? I do not want to bend the lift bar by attaching a ram which is too long?
The orignal J D B cylinder was a 2 1/2" X 8" culinder ans a 2" would have plenty of power to lift the bar. The bigger diameter that you go the lift will be that much slower to raise the bar over the hidden obstactal that you see when you are right beside it and want to raise the bar to clear before you hit it so you want the bar to move as fast as you can get it to and the smaller the cylinder the faster it will move. A 2 1/2" cylinder will work about twice as fast as a 3 1/2" cylinder but the 3 1/2" will have about double the lifting power and that is not what you want or need on a mower.

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