JD H manure spreader

Nebraska Kirk

Well-known Member
I bought a John Deere model H series 47 manure spreader on an estate auction a week ago and I have been working on it to get it operational so I can actually use it on my small farm. It s not in terrible bad condition considering it s age, The bottom is steel and it s intact no rust holes that I have been able to find although the sides are rusted through somewhat near the bottom. The issues it has are the bearings in the lower beater were seized and the bearings on the apron chain Drive shaft were seized also. I have been able to remove the seized bearings off of the lower beater and the left bearing off of the apron chain drive but the right bearing is fighting me. I have found some broken parts along the way so I am wondering does anyone here have parts or know where I could get some?

I need 4369SC which is the left bearing hanger on the apron chain driveshaft

L1296C. The external return spring on the ratchet case
5226SC. The ratchet stop pawl bracket
4364SC. Lower beater bearing housing
1285SC lower beater roller bearing

Some of these parts I could repair or make new in the case of one that has a missing piece but I thought I would put out the inquiry for any used originals in the chance that someone would have some.

Only one of the part #s you listed shows to be available from Parts Depot & that's 1285SC
I was able to buy the used parts I needed from a guy in South Dakota that sells manure spreader parts. I also bit the bullet and bought two new 7.50.20 tires and tubes for it. I just need to make and install a big woodruff key for it and install the guards and it will be ready to sling manure!

This post was edited by Nebraska Kirk on 09/21/2022 at 02:05 pm.

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