JD Seller ,,. Does anyone have contact info they could pass along ?

I had the pleasure of meeting him at Half Century of Progress in Rantoul a few years back, very nice guy we had a lot of fun, he’s the guy with the beard in middle. I’m not into feuding or name calling that goes on sometime, just leave people in peace with respect, I try to help fix our darn old tractors or maybe answer some electrical or legal questions now n then.

John T
Who is the guy in the red shirt pointing his finger at me?
There are a lot of good people missing these days, Steve at Advance, In to deep, The Howell's, just to name a few.
The Howell's were a situation where jealousy by others drove them off. Some people did not like that they posted quite a bit on a daily basis. I wish they would consider coming back. I don't think they were all that old. Maybe late 60's? As I said upthread I think a lot of posters went MIA due to age.
Yours truly
Yesterday I did some searching by using JD Seller as terms that would be in the post title or body and came across the thread you originally posted that photo in. Almost put a link to it here. Wondering if you could help oldgent out with a real name in a PM? Not necessarily giving him full contact info if you think that is “spreading the word” to much. His location looks to be given elsewhere in this thread, then let him pursue the rest of the search on the web if he is so inclined.
I met JD Seller at Rantual several times,,a great guy to talk to..he is like the rest of us,, he has been down the hard road, and has had a lot of experience,,and like John T said were on here to fix tractors....
I had the pleasure of meeting him at Half Century of Progress in Rantoul a few years back, very nice guy we had a lot of fun, he’s the guy with the beard in middle. I’m not into feuding or name calling that goes on sometime, just leave people in peace with respect, I try to help fix our darn old tractors or maybe answer some electrical or legal questions now n then.

John T
Has to be John T in the red. The only one they made to wear a wrist band to prove he was old enough to buy beer.
I know some bad acters run JD Sellerinto a angry torment , And SHAME on them ,,.. I really enjoyed reading about this man and his family ,,.. All of his trials and tribulations enlightened Me many times as I went thru similar circumstances ,,. All I can Say is JD SELLER is a Great American that knows how to raise Great Americans and form others to be the best they can be
JD Seller signed out saying that he had to devote a lot more time to his farming and trucking and would not have the time available to post.
I don't know about that. Bill on the farm is on other forums. I think for some people they reach a point where they feel there is nothing left to say and do not want to go into reruns about their lives. Some may feel other boards hold a greater interest in terms of participation. The internet is no different than the local coffee shop in terms of not always being in agreement and differing personalities plus differing ways of conducting one's self. The internet is not like the house most of us live in with each of us the master of our respective farms and no dissenting word is allowed at all. The internet with all its vastness does get boring after a while and we need a change of pace. I know JD and Bill have enough resources to be engaged in projects such as working on tractors which probably brings greater satisfaction than chatting on the net.
I liked those people and did not realise they were missing. I am not asking about them but it is mentioned possibly other sites they went to. My question is what are the other sites as I have not found them. I know Red Square was for Wheel Horse but have not been on it for a few years as it was bookmarked on my computor and when the computor went bad I lost it along with some other sites. And I will turn 80 years old tomorrow. If I could find the name of the other sits I would not mind looking at them. And with the changes here I was one that might have came among the missing. I used to be on here for up to 5-6 hours a day and now with the way they have messed things up on here if I am on here for a half hour a day that is a lot.
I liked those people and did not realise they were missing. I am not asking about them but it is mentioned possibly other sites they went to. My question is what are the other sites as I have not found them. I know Red Square was for Wheel Horse but have not been on it for a few years as it was bookmarked on my computor and when the computor went bad I lost it along with some other sites. And I will turn 80 years old tomorrow. If I could find the name of the other sits I would not mind looking at them. And with the changes here I was one that might have came among the missing. I used to be on here for up to 5-6 hours a day and now with the way they have messed things up on here if I am on here for a half hour a day that is a lot.
Check out other sites such as Ag Talk and Red Power Forum (IH). But I will say that to my knowledge they are not everyday posters on those boards. As a matter of fact weeks can go by in between posts. Anyways, good to see you here and you will most likely get the hang of the new format as quite a few sites use the same features.
I liked those people and did not realise they were missing. I am not asking about them but it is mentioned possibly other sites they went to. My question is what are the other sites as I have not found them. I know Red Square was for Wheel Horse but have not been on it for a few years as it was bookmarked on my computor and when the computor went bad I lost it along with some other sites. And I will turn 80 years old tomorrow. If I could find the name of the other sits I would not mind looking at them. And with the changes here I was one that might have came among the missing. I used to be on here for up to 5-6 hours a day and now with the way they have messed things up on here if I am on here for a half hour a day that is a lot.
Leroy, here is a link to the Red Square forum. Red Square forum I suppose you old computer was all set up to remember your password for it so you could just click it and enter. If you know the email you registered there under you can reset your password if that is the problem.
What do you feel like is “messed up” here compared to how it used to be? Just doesn’t work exactly like Classic View used to? I suppose being 80, (happy birthday BTW!) can have its challenges when dealing with changes on computer stuff. I suppose in part due to the progression of life quite a few of those who had a real lifetime interest in these tractors and stuff are leaving us, not by their choice.
In my opinion there are so many things that work far better than before. None of this moderator crud about “I need to fix this and patch that so Classic and Modern can post the same information” Only two things I don’t like you can’t search by individual forums and you cannot chose to go into the “archived forum threads” essentially listed out in chronological order from day one or at least as long as they had stored.
I had the pleasure of meeting him at Half Century of Progress in Rantoul a few years back, very nice guy we had a lot of fun, he’s the guy with the beard in middle. I’m not into feuding or name calling that goes on sometime, just leave people in peace with respect, I try to help fix our darn old tractors or maybe answer some electrical or legal questions now n then.

John T
Thank you John for summing up what should go on here. I may not agree with some people on here but personal attacks are unacceptable. On occasion I may try to point out a post that is factually incorrect and back up my statement with proof. I for one am throughly greatful for the help I have received from you and many others on this site.
Leroy, here is a link to the Red Square forum. Red Square forum I suppose you old computer was all set up to remember your password for it so you could just click it and enter. If you know the email you registered there under you can reset your password if that is the problem.
What do you feel like is “messed up” here compared to how it used to be? Just doesn’t work exactly like Classic View used to? I suppose being 80, (happy birthday BTW!) can have its challenges when dealing with changes on computer stuff. I suppose in part due to the progression of life quite a few of those who had a real lifetime interest in these tractors and stuff are leaving us, not by their choice.
In my opinion there are so many things that work far better than before. None of this moderator crud about “I need to fix this and patch that so Classic and Modern can post the same information” Only two things I don’t like you can’t search by individual forums and you cannot chose to go into the “archived forum threads” essentially listed out in chronological order from day one or at least as long as they had stored.
Leroy, here is a link to the Red Square forum. Red Square forum I suppose you old computer was all set up to remember your password for it so you could just click it and enter. If you know the email you registered there under you can reset your password if that is the problem.
What do you feel like is “messed up” here compared to how it used to be? Just doesn’t work exactly like Classic View used to? I suppose being 80, (happy birthday BTW!) can have its challenges when dealing with changes on computer stuff. I suppose in part due to the progression of life quite a few of those who had a real lifetime interest in these tractors and stuff are leaving us, not by their choice.
In my opinion there are so many things that work far better than before. None of this moderator crud about “I need to fix this and patch that so Classic and Modern can post the same information” Only two things I don’t like you can’t search by individual forums and you cannot chose to go into the “archived forum threads” essentially listed out in chronological order from day one or at least as long as they had stored.
Leroy, to reply to me click “Reply” at the lower right of what I said in my reply. Then what I wrote will show in a bit smaller font and a shaded background with a bar to the left of it. Type what you want to reply below that. When you finish typing click the “Post reply” box. This may look different to you I have Threaded View turned on in my preferences, but I definitely DO NOT have “Order by First Message” chosen!!
Seems like something has gone awry with this thread, Leroy’s double post may be my problem. Leroy must have put a hex on it to show me how to put my foot in my mouth. LOL :D
As a matter of fact weeks can go by in between posts
You can’t say that about Machinery Talk on AgTalk, if there isn’t 30 plus Threads every day there, it’s a slow day. Right now there is 37 Threads for 9/10 and many of them have 5 or more replies. No guarantee how interesting they will be to an old tractor guy.
Leroy, here is a link to the Red Square forum. Red Square forum I suppose you old computer was all set up to remember your password for it so you could just click it and enter. If you know the email you registered there under you can reset your password if that is the problem.
What do you feel like is “messed up” here compared to how it used to be? Just doesn’t work exactly like Classic View used to? I suppose being 80, (happy birthday BTW!) can have its challenges when dealing with changes on computer stuff. I suppose in part due to the progression of life quite a few of those who had a real lifetime interest in these tractors and stuff are leaving us, not by their choice.
In my opinion there are so many things that work far better than before. None of this moderator crud about “I need to fix this and patch that so Classic and Modern can post the same information” Only two things I don’t like you can’t search by individual forums and you cannot chose to go into the “archived forum threads” essentially listed out in chronological order from day one or at least as long as they had stored.
Leroy, l will try this. I was giving you some tips on how to reply to me. You will have to find reply #58 to find it. If you want to reply just do it anywhere (in the open box at very bottom of Thread will work assuming that works if you use “archaic view”) I will see it.. my “Alerts” will tell me you made a reply here.

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