JD Seller ,,. Does anyone have contact info they could pass along ?

Thank you John for summing up what should go on here. I may not agree with some people on here but personal attacks are unacceptable. On occasion I may try to point out a post that is factually incorrect and back up my statement with proof. I for one am throughly greatful for the help I have received from you and many others on this site.
Thanks for the kind words. I agree personal attacks or name calling isn’t productive and leads to hard feelings but it happens sometime grrrr some gents may like to fight argue or name call and that’s their choice, it’s a free country. If some stranger has a different opinion (perhaps I think is dead wrong lol) I prefer to leave them in peace instead of attacking or calling them names, but that’s just me and how I was raised, to each their own beliefs and opinions with all due respect !!!!

Now let’s help each other best we can, be kind to one another

John T
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You can’t say that about Machinery Talk on AgTalk, if there isn’t 30 plus Threads every day there, it’s a slow day. Right now there is 37 Threads for 9/10 and many of them have 5 or more replies. No guarantee how interesting they will be to an old tractor guy.
All I was saying was that I have seen BOTF post on other sites and on RPF things are slow enough to see what the posting frequency is for a given individual. BOTF has a sizeable farm and posts that he runs near new equipment so he could have a purpose to go on Ag Talk. The old tractors and equipment are more a hobby than being critical production machinery.
All I was saying was that I have seen BOTF post on other sites and on RPF things are slow enough to see what the posting frequency is for a given individual. BOTF has a sizeable farm and posts that he runs near new equipment so he could have a purpose to go on Ag Talk. The old tractors and equipment are more a hobby than being critical production machinery.
NY.. Okay, I see what you are saying. Sorry for misunderstanding that.

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