John Deere 1010 Crawler ignition sw


I went to my local John Deere Ag dealer and ordered an ignition switch for the 1010 crawler. The one I received does not match what is in the crawler. It maybe possible that someone put in a different ignition switch in the crawler
The ignition switch that currently in the crawler has 3 threaded connections around the outside with one in the center.
The one I received from the John Dealer store had multiple flat blade connection. It had a diode connected to one of the blades.
So which one is the correct switch?
Do not want to go back to the dealer and tell him the part is wrong when it may not be wrong.
I have a manual so will Look in there also.
The actual key used is different for the two switches.
One from the dealer has a slice down the middle of the key. The switch in the crawler does not.
(quoted from post at 02:04:40 11/06/23) I went to my local John Deere Ag dealer and ordered an ignition switch for the 1010 crawler. The one I received does not match what is in the crawler. It maybe possible that someone put in a different ignition switch in the crawler
The ignition switch that currently in the crawler has 3 threaded connections around the outside with one in the center.
The one I received from the John Dealer store had multiple flat blade connection. It had a diode connected to one of the blades.
So which one is the correct switch?
Do not want to go back to the dealer and tell him the part is wrong when it may not be wrong.
I have a manual so will Look in there also.
The actual key used is different for the two switches.
One from the dealer has a slice down the middle of the key. The switch in the crawler does not.

Three threaded connections with another one in the center is pretty much the description of an off the shelf universal ignition switch. Someone in the past installed a universal switch by modifying the connections to the switch. From a quick look at the parts book sounds like the dealer likely got you the right switch. It is noted there were different switches for gas and diesel.



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