John Deere 1010 dozer not starting


I am assuming that the 1010 tractor and dozer had the same 4 cylinder gas engine.
This is a dozer with 4 cylinder gas.
Zenith carb 12566 rebuilt twice.
New coil and new plugs
Good bright spark
Compression ranges from 110 to 140. Add oil to cylinder and compression ranges from 125-150.
This dozer had been running fine for several months. Then had problems with not cranking over. Fixed with cleaning battery terminals. Since then not wanting to start.
Appeared as though carb float was stuck so rebuilt carb.
With rebuilt carb and before new plugs it started and ran about a minute and stop. Tried a number of times to start it to no avail. Next morning I checked main jet and readjusted from 4 turns to 4 1/2 turns. It started up at half throttle with the choke wide open.
Ran for about 5 minutes and ran fine.
Shut down by turning key off. Would not fire at all over the last several days of trying. Replaced plugs. Better spark but no pop. Pull plugs and can smell fuel on them.
Note it has no points or condenser but an electronic ignition from pertronix or someone else.
What am I missing?
Note I have read several times posts about hard starting or no starting 1010 engines looking for clues. Yes I have a manual.
My 1010W tractor has a filter right where the gas line enters the carb, that may be plugged. While you have that line disconnected blow air back into the tank to dislodge anything that may be blocking in the tank. Sounds like you have tried almost every thing else.
My 1010W tractor has a filter right where the gas line enters the carb, that may be plugged. While you have that line disconnected blow air back into the tank to dislodge anything that may be blocking in the tank. Sounds like you have tried almost every thing else.
I did put a new filter on it and there is a good flow of gas. Even tried spraying starting fluid into the throat of the carburetor. But no go with that. No fire from starting fluid would make you think there was a timing or spark issue.
I am assuming that the 1010 tractor and dozer had the same 4 cylinder gas engine.
This is a dozer with 4 cylinder gas.
Zenith carb 12566 rebuilt twice.
New coil and new plugs
Good bright spark
Compression ranges from 110 to 140. Add oil to cylinder and compression ranges from 125-150.
This dozer had been running fine for several months. Then had problems with not cranking over. Fixed with cleaning battery terminals. Since then not wanting to start.
Appeared as though carb float was stuck so rebuilt carb.
With rebuilt carb and before new plugs it started and ran about a minute and stop. Tried a number of times to start it to no avail. Next morning I checked main jet and readjusted from 4 turns to 4 1/2 turns. It started up at half throttle with the choke wide open.
Ran for about 5 minutes and ran fine.
Shut down by turning key off. Would not fire at all over the last several days of trying. Replaced plugs. Better spark but no pop. Pull plugs and can smell fuel on them.
Note it has no points or condenser but an electronic ignition from pertronix or someone else.
What am I missing?
Note I have read several times posts about hard starting or no starting 1010 engines looking for clues. Yes I have a manual.
The manual isn't going to be much help in your case as the 1010C didn't have electronic ignition or a Zenith carb.

What exactly did you do when it didn't crank over? If the not wanting to start with that repair, it may be related to something that occured during the repair.

How far will the spark jump? At least 1/4 inch with the distributor end of the coil wire held close to the engine block?

Where are you checking when you say you have a good flow of gas? Have you pulled the drain plug from the carb bowl and caught the gas in a pint jar to see how long it takes to fill the jar?

4 to 4-1/2 turns out on the main jet sounds like a lot. Common starting point is 2 turns out on the main jet and 1-1/4 turns on the idle needle. (A turn being one 360-degree rotation of the screw.)

Could you have installed the venturi upside down during one of your rebuilds?

Have you turned the distributor? Check static timing by getting #1 cylinder to TDC and see if the rotor is pointing at #1 in the distributor cap.

What is the condition of the rotor button and terminal posts of the distributor cap?

Did you find what you needed for sparkplugs with the info I gave you on the Crawlers Forum yesterday? It is helpful to people if you report back on, or at least acknowledge, things they suggest. I have offered suggestions in response to your crawler questions a number of times and I am left to guess if you saw them and if they may have helped, as you never responded back good or bad. I am sure others feel the same, feedback helps.
I did put a new filter on it and there is a good flow of gas. Even tried spraying starting fluid into the throat of the carburetor. But no go with that. No fire from starting fluid would make you think there was a timing or spark issue.
Mt is the flow into the carb and out of the bowl drain? Dan is talking about no. 14 on the linked diagram, the screen is on the fitting and sticks inside the carb. JD 1010 carb diagram W & L tractor
Your Zenith carb may or may not have one. It is strange that it would not fire on either if fuel is the problem.
The more I study your problem the more I think the electronic ignition system is the problem especially when you said " Fixed with cleaning battery terminals. Since then not wanting to start." Could you have changed from positive ground to negative or Vise versa? Makes a difference with pertronix ignition system. You said you changed the coil. The coil is wired differently on an electronic system. The pertronix systems I have used require a hotter coil than normal and special spark plug wire as well. Make sure your ignition system is still set up as was required for the electronic system you have. Don't give up.

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