John Deere 1020 Hydraulic pump. Need advice and information.


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I have a JD 1020. S/N looks like T4R1C 038394T I believe the engine has been swapped but not sure about the hydraulic pump.

the main seal is out and fluid pours out from around the shaft. It pushed the outer seal clear out of the pump. I need to decide on a repair route. I have a well tooled shop but have never done a hydraulic pump rebuild.

Should I do this rebuild myself? If so I would need a manual to walk me through it so where would I find that?
Should I swap it for a rebuilt one? I worry about how well the work was done with some of these online places.
Is there a reputable reman or aftermarket option?

This is a 1020 that is not heavily used, it's not a daily tractor but the previous owner was like a grandfather to me so I would like to keep it running. It may see 100 hours a year.

Any input would be greatly appreciated

Yes, you need the manual if you plan on doing a rebuild.

I would consider one of the new aftermarket ones, possibly over a rebuilt from an unknown source.
Yes, you need the manual if you plan on doing a rebuild.

I would consider one of the new aftermarket ones, possibly over a rebuilt from an unknown source.
Which manual is the rebuild of these pumps in? I don't think it's in the tech manual for the tractor. Also Ar103033 which rebuild kit does it use. I am not sure how to find the kits for these pumps. thanks
Which manual is the rebuild of these pumps in? I don't think it's in the tech manual for the tractor. Also Ar103033 which rebuild kit does it use. I am not sure how to find the kits for these pumps. thanks
Your serial number says you have one of the older 1020s, not the Mannheim one related to the 1120 and 1630. The older 1020 has a service manual, not a technical manual (the technical manual is for the Mannheim tractors). It is JD publication # SM2071. I do not have a 1020 so do not have that manual however it has pump rebuild info in it, I believe, based on looking at the index and knowing what the manuals for my JD tractors have in them. Do you have the correct manual for your tractor or are you just guessing the info is not in the manual?

The parts catalog PC970 is available online at JDparts. Here is a link to it. The pump info there will give you part numbers you can search for if you don't want to go to your dealer.

John Deere 1020 PC970

Here is a link to John Deere Ag and Turf book storewhere you can do an Equipment Publications search to see the manuals, they show and have, available for your tractor.
Your serial number says you have one of the older 1020s, not the Mannheim one related to the 1120 and 1630. The older 1020 has a service manual, not a technical manual (the technical manual is for the Mannheim tractors). It is JD publication # SM2071. I do not have a 1020 so do not have that manual however it has pump rebuild info in it, I believe, based on looking at the index and knowing what the manuals for my JD tractors have in them. Do you have the correct manual for your tractor or are you just guessing the info is not in the manual?

The parts catalog PC970 is available online at JDparts. Here is a link to it. The pump info there will give you part numbers you can search for if you don't want to go to your dealer.

John Deere 1020 PC970

Here is a link to John Deere Ag and Turf book storewhere you can do an Equipment Publications search to see the manuals, they show and have, available for your tractor.
Thanks for the Info. The only thing I was unsure of was the engine. This tractor was factory gasoline engine tractor but dad put a diesel in it 20 years or so ago. I don't think he changed the hydraulic pump. I will get that service manual and see what it looks like. thanks

Thanks for the Info. The only thing I was unsure of was the engine. This tractor was factory gasoline engine tractor but dad put a diesel in it 20 years or so ago. I don't think he changed the hydraulic pump. I will get that service manual and see what it looks like. thanks

If he put the 3-cylinder 152 CID diesel engine, that a diesel 1020 would have used in it, both engines should be in the service manual. and the pumps would not have needed to change.
An update in case anyone in the future finds this post.
Upon Tear down of the pump the shaft is stamped with R39177. This shaft uses Bushings for support. I am currently determining if I can use the R39319 Shaft as a replacement. That shaft uses Needle Bearings but I am not sure which set of Orings and seals that new shaft would use.

Upon inspection the main shaft has a slight surface marking where the seals contact.
The R63022 pistons have some slight scratch marks on a couple.
Discharge valves all look good.
Needle bearings and race look good
The plan is to sort out if a R39319 shaft will work if I change the bushings out for Needle bearings. If it will I will go that route, if not I will try to source a R39177 and bushings.
Then its an effort to determine the exact seals, depending on shaft number, and order oring kit and reassemble.
I think shafts & bushings or brgs require a different type pump housing for each style. Seal kit I located is part #RE228042
I have to assume the housings may be different. My housing has a 39177 shaft with the bushing, I have the dimensions for the needle bearing 1"X1-5/16"X1-1/4" I am not sure which of the measurements is O.D. but when I get home from work I will mic the inside of the housing and see what that I.D. is. That may answer some questions.
thank you for your input


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