John Deere 1971 820 Injection Pump Timing


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1971 John Deere 820 Stanadyne injection pump. Removed the pump, locked the engine in time using the flywheel pin, checked to be sure pump was in time before removing it. Removed pump took it to injection shop to be rebuilt. Got rebuilt pump back, now the pump drive shaft and pump timing do not match to reinstall? The engine is still pinned and has not been moved. How can this happen?
From everything I can see and figure, the injection shop timed the pump wrong?
What does the pump shop say? Or they are closed on Saturday so you posted this here? I would say it is best to wait until you can contact the pump shop. Unless you are going to be out $1000 of dollars if this tractor is not up and running to do some task this weekend. In that case I would unlock the pump and install it and see what happens. Or thinking about it more I don’t think Stanadyne pumps of that era can actually be locked. If it has a key or an alignment pin that only allows the shaft to engage into the drive gear one way turn the pump so it aligned and install it.
I'll have to check with the pump shop Monday. Posting on here to see maybe I missed something? Pretty simple on JD's pin the flyweel make sure the pump is in time. Should go right back on the same.
UPDATE: After having the injection shop re-check the timing on the pump, which was correct, went back to the motor timing. Long story short, the previous owner had tried to rebuild the injection pump himself, not only did he crack the top cover of the pump, he also re-installed it out of time. Once we got the engine and pump properly timed, she runs like a champ.

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