John Deere 2040 SN Mystery


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Recently inherited my wife grandfather old tractor. Its a John Deere 2040 code 204SA, SN# 215632.

I cant find anything regarding that SN online.. Looking for more details on the model. Seems to be a very strong tractor for the size.


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Keep in mind your 2040 has open-center hyd system not closed center like most of JD tractors built from '65-'92. Did tractor come with operators manual?

Yes, I confirmed it is a 3 cylinder. I just didn't see that particular SN in any list online.
They do not show every serial number. Serial number lists generally show the first serial number of a build year which gives a range for the year. Your serial number is after 179963 which was the first serial number for 1976 and it is before 221555 which was the first serial number for 1977, so yours falls in the 1976 range. There are a few serial number lists for some brands (some early Allis Chalmers models for one example) that listed the last serial number for a given year.
They do not show every serial number. Serial number lists generally show the first serial number of a build year which gives a range for the year. Your serial number is after 179963 which was the first serial number for 1976 and it is before 221555 which was the first serial number for 1977, so yours falls in the 1976 range. There are a few serial number lists for some brands (some early Allis Chalmers models for one example) that listed the last serial number for a given year.
Makes sense!
Keep in mind your 2040 has open-center hyd system not closed center like most of JD tractors built from '65-'92. Did tractor come with operators manual?
Id have to search the building is was kept in for it. Odds are its in there somewhere but who knows where. My father in law used the tractor for years until he purchased a 4x4 kobota (smaller/ weaker) The 2040 was used for hay for years, cutting, square bailing etc. It would run the bailer and pull a wagon with 300 square bales with no issues. The hyd system seems to be much stronger than the newer kobota, its would pick round bails up no issue, the kobota wont.
I suggest if battery ground cable is still attached to the battery box to acquire longer cable & relocate cable attachment to engine block.
I think my father in law basically hasn't used it since the kobota purchase, other than to drop hay bales. Ill Definity check out the wiring, ( prob still factory) but ill change it. ITs been awhile since I used it so ill see what im walking into, I think it has about 1200 hours on it.

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