John Deere 2240 hydraulic oil cooler


I have a 1982 John Deere 2240 and need a hydraulic oil cooler for it. I've tried the after market ones but they end up have issues with the fitment and then they will blow up the core and the tanks. Does anyone know a good place to get a John Deere cooler used or new. Needs to built by them. John Deere does not make any new anymore.
I have a 1982 John Deere 2240 and need a hydraulic oil cooler for it. I've tried the after market ones but they end up have issues with the fitment and then they will blow up the core and the tanks. Does anyone know a good place to get a John Deere cooler used or new. Needs to built by them. John Deere does not make any new anymore.
New.. John Deere, heard of them? :)
Try the YT parent company.
All States Ag Parts 855-530-1460
Abilene Machine in KS
Worthington Ag in MN
Wonder if there is another problem with your tractor that is increasing the pressure in the cooler circuit for some reason?
Wonder if there is another problem with your tractor that is increasing the pressure in the cooler circuit for some reason?
I agree. Needs to check the oil cooler relief valve.

I'm NOT familiar enough with that specific model to tell the O.P. exactly where it may be, tho!

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