John Deere 3010 gas tractor.


Well-known Member
Have this 3010 that I use one day a year. didn't start it last year. Have a Ford sickle mower on it that I use to keep small trees and brush away from some very long driveways. Use Stabill. Started up this week and ran for about 5 minutes and quit. Removed carb--a MS and cleaned and replaced some parts. There was a gas filter behind the carb that I wasn't able to see. It was almost completely plugged. Replaced the filter. Started up good and ran great for about 5 hours. Was some on an incline in a ditch and it started missing and running rough. Now it will start but seems to run very rich and miss.
Removed breather tube from carb--no help. Plugs are Champion 16. Has electronic ignition. Thinking about draining the gas tank..
What are the ideas out there????? len in michigan
Check the gas gas flow coming to the carb. Disconnect the line there and see if it’s a full flow stream. Yes u said running rich. Maybe the float is heavy , meaning it has fuel in it. Need to start eliminating things. Plus if it’s missing remove one wire at a time and see which cylinder the miss is on. Check the spark at the coil for a sharp blue snap.
I did remove the gas line just past the fuel pump and it was Really strong there. Will check at the carb--thanks..
Check the gas gas flow coming to the carb. Disconnect the line there and see if it’s a full flow stream. Yes u said running rich. Maybe the float is heavy , meaning it has fuel in it. Need to start eliminating things. Plus if it’s missing remove one wire at a time and see which cylinder the miss is on. Check the spark at the coil for a sharp blue snap.
A lot of gas is being pumped to the carb....
Those 3010's with the aluminum carb body had issues of running rich.
mine was bad about running rich , But THAT was the only WAY it WOULD run and deliver power ,. I had a 3010 about 40 yrs ago . Gas cost 1,30 per gallon . i plowed a 30 acre field with 3-16s... My B -I_l Went after gas for Me ... I came idling across the end land toward Him ,, That 3010 was puffin out Beautiful Smoke rings at the cost of a nikle each ... BTW There is a GUY in Missouri that can make that 3010 burn modern gas and deliver dependable power ,. I have His card someplace ,.. Pm Me if You want It ..
Bad gas? Drain the gas tank. Since you don't use this tractor much, put in E-91 gas, no ethanol; gas will not go bad. Engine will start and run a lot better.

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