John Deere 3010 Hydraulic Rattle


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first off I have searched and not found what I needed. I have a 63 3010 diesel. The hydraulic pump is rattling or knocking. I thought it was the bushings in the 3020 coupler so I changed them and it did not fix it. I ran it with the coupler off and the noise was gone. I also destroked the pump and the noise went away. What should I check next? Steering and 3pt work fine. Converting my scv to pioneer to check pressure and make sure it’s working fine. What do I need to do from here to figure out this noise?
Did you check for worn splines inside coupler & on pump shaft? If so then my guess noise is a faulty inlet or outlet valve in hyd pump

I did not take it off but I snugged it up. The coupler did not have any play in it, when the pump was destroked and the tractor running it went away. Would it still knock if the splines were wore out and the pump was destroked?
Is this tractor new to you or have you had it a while? If you just got it and are not familiar with those “new generation” tractors the hydraulics on them have a fair bit of inherent noise.
I did not take it off but I snugged it up. The coupler did not have any play in it, when the pump was destroked and the tractor running it went away. Would it still knock if the splines were wore out and the pump was destroked?
Possibly. I’ve been caught by the splines being gone before and they held on for approximately a month of cattle chores after I put a new pump in till the customer loaded it up on something heavy when it was super cold. They can look like there’s still something there for splines in your hand and attach and spin even when they are about ready to go.

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