John Deere 3020 PTO grinding noise - is there a grease zerk to fix this?

John L 3020

New User
Hey all! My JD 3020 gas synchro range has been grinding when the PTO is under load - it’s not the implement. It’s done it with my bush hog and finishing mower. I’ve heard there’s a grease zerk somewhere from another forum that states the same issue on a 4020 synchro range (the grease zerk lubricates the PTO?) - where is this at if it’s true? Where can I find it? I also checked the hydraulic/transmission fluid - we changed it a couple months ago with JD hy-gard and it’s good on fluid. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Will do. I’m not going to get a chance tonight, but just out of curiosity, does the grease zerk exist? If so, what’s its purpose and where is it located? Thanks for the super helpful info. That’s the first thing I’ll do in the morning.
If I remember right there’s a zerk on the inside under clutch cover bottom of the clutch housing at the main throw out bearing. There’s also a zerk I think on the right side attached to a small hose you can grease that bearing from the outside r.h side of transmission it will be sticking out. I think maybe even one on the opposite side l.h. or drivers side if it was a car for the shaft the main rides on. I think that’s it for zerks
Hello John welcome to YT! I believe of the items that are being suggested to grease one of the items will be the bearing that holds the PTO clutch engaged. If there was a problem with this it would be noisy all of the time the PTO is engaged. What you are describing is that the sound varies with the PTO load. No personal experience with this but I remember this post from a while back. YT post on possible problem His tractor was a 4020 but the drive is the same in a 3020. JD 3020 PTO drive parts I hate to throw a wrench in your works but this sounds like a failure of one of the bearings or supports for a PTO drive gear up in the front of the transmission. It is definitely something you don’t want to keep running if this is your problem. That poster jlg_mmfarms had an earlier post with a video of the noise. Unfortunately will not play now. This may be due to it was posted before the YT software change at the end of 2023. That user is still active so maybe he will see this or you can PM him to see if he still has it and can share it with you. Oh, did you happen to cut open the hydraulic filters when you changed them, if this was failing before you changed the oil you probably would have found metal filings in them. Not sure how long you have had this tractor but running the PTO under a load with the hydraulic fluid low is one of the causes of this failure.
Thank you SO much. I’ll check the fluid again, but no I did not change the filter I do believe. If none of that fixes the problem, I’ll have the tractor apart and I’ll look for that bearing. Once again, thank you so much.
- John L.
I am not saying this is definitely your problem, split it right away and this is what you’ll find. It just seems like it could be a problem that fits the symptoms you are giving. I did not want you to roll out your tool box only based on my urging. If you already planned to split it go ahead, otherwise I would suggest you have an JD mechanic experienced with these tractors to confirm this may be your problem.
Yeah. The tractor was completely rebuilt back in 2006. All JD parts and was done by a JD mechanic. He’s recovering from a stroke, so he may not be able to get into it. But, I do have an uncle that may be able to help me get it fixed. Thank you for your help!
If I remember right there’s a zerk on the inside under clutch cover bottom of the clutch housing at the main throw out bearing. There’s also a zerk I think on the right side attached to a small hose you can grease that bearing from the outside r.h side of transmission it will be sticking out. I think maybe even one on the opposite side l.h. or drivers side if it was a car for the shaft the main rides on. I think that’s it for zerks
Hey. Would you be able to send a diagram of where it is? Thank you for your help!
Hey. Would you be able to send a diagram of where it is? Thank you for your help!
That information will be in the operators manual.
You can download an Operators manual direct from John Deere at no cost. Follow theses instructions.
Go to the site below. When you find your applicable machine type and model click the arrow pointing sideways so it points down and it shows the operators manuals and other tech manuals. Click the arrow to point down by Op manuals there you can put it in your cart. Also there is a square at the right with the arrow up to the right corner when you click that you can view it. The down arrow with the line under it will down load it to your PC. If you prefer not to view the manual on your PC you could print it off and put it in a 3 ring binder.
Hey everybody! Just wanted to let you all know: I changed the hydraulic filter (it had lots of metal shavings in it, and was filled with gunk. Oil was changed a few months ago) and greased all of the PTO zerks. It somehow fixed it self and the grinding has completely stopped, even when under a tough load. All the help was greatly appreciated!
Hey everybody! Just wanted to let you all know: I changed the hydraulic filter (it had lots of metal shavings in it, and was filled with gunk. Oil was changed a few months ago) and greased all of the PTO zerks. It somehow fixed it self and the grinding has completely stopped, even when under a tough load. All the help was greatly appreciated!
Sadly, it's not "fixed" 'til you find and repair the cause of "lots of metal shavings", that is not normal.

There always will be a few pieces of "glitter" in the filter and sump, but "lots of metal shavings is VERY indicative of parts being chewed up.

Worst case would be that a pin pressed into the transmission side of the clutch housing that a PTO idler gear with needle bearings in it runs on has torn loose.

Of course, there's a POSSIBILITY that what ever the source of the metal was has been previously repaired and the system wasn't properly cleaned
Well like I said, the filter more than likely hasn’t been changed in over 20 years. So, I’m not that surprised that it’s built up over those years. But yes, that is very concerning and I’ll investigate more to check it out.

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