John Deere 3020 stuck brakes


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John Deere 3020 brakes stuck. John Deere 3020 diesel power shift brakes stuck had John Deere to rebuild brake valve and brakes still stuck don’t know problem any advice would be appriciated
John Deere 3020 brakes stuck. John Deere 3020 diesel power shift brakes stuck had John Deere to rebuild brake valve and brakes still stuck don’t know problem any advice would be appriciated
So the pedals are coming back up but the brakes aren't releasing?

Do the brakes release when you LOOSEN the bleed screws?

Have you checked the transmission sump screen and the hydraulic filters for brake debris?
It tries to move when I placed in gear but sounds like a squeal like brakes locked
Powershift versions use a "park lock pawl" that is operated by a cable from the shift lever to a lever on the RH side of the transmission case.

It's possible something is amiss with that or the internal mechanism that lifts the pawl.

Or, perhaps the "squeal" is something altogether different and it's a powershift issue.

Hard to tell, from here!

If it IS the brakes and they sre not releasing with the bleeders open, something is badly wrong in the disc brake area.

Any sign of water in the hydraulic oil, have you changed it, or loosen the drain plug and note if water (which is "heavier" than oil so it will be at the bottom) drips out.
Going to change hydraulic oil this week got the tractor to move by placing in reverse and coming out on clutch quick. Rode around and it seemed fine after stoping and cutting off it back stuck again every time put in reverse it breaks loose not for sure
Going to change hydraulic oil this week got the tractor to move by placing in reverse and coming out on clutch quick. Rode around and it seemed fine after stoping and cutting off it back stuck again every time put in reverse it breaks loose not for sure
If you had the brakes repaired, and they are not. the company that "fixed" them should be doing it on their dime (or 500 dollars) Jim
Going to change hydraulic oil this week got the tractor to move by placing in reverse and coming out on clutch quick. Rode around and it seemed fine after stoping and cutting off it back stuck again every time put in reverse it breaks loose not for sure
I would wonder about the wet clutches and brakes in the powershift transmission.
Thanks for all the reply’s I feel kinda dumb it turns out that the cable to the transmission was the cause thanks
Has anyone ever fixed pitted transmission cover on 3020 that has pitted through with fiberglass
Wow, where at, have a photo? Must have been in a rough environment and extremely neglected. Glad you solved your brake problem. You probably took some life off of the torque limiter clutch plate, that was probably slipping and making the squealing noise lucky you didn’t break the park lock.
Has anyone ev

Wow, where at, have a photo? Must have been in a rough environment and extremely neglected. Glad you solved your brake problem. You probably took some life off of the torque limiter clutch plate, that was probably slipping and making the squealing noise lucky you didn’t break the park lock.
It's not at all uncommon for wet dirt, chaff and debris to build up on top of the sheet metal transmission cover, out of sight under the operator's platform. I'd check wrecking yards for decent used one. If you have a minute why don't you look up the part number for him and GOOGLE it and see what comes up.

If he has the 4 platform bolts removed or can get them out without breaking them, that will be a good thing! Then, there's the matter of getting the cover bolts out. Moisture gets down in the threads and corrodes them in place, as well. All the bolt holes in the casting will need to be cleaned out to full depth and the threads will need to be chased. Hopefully none will break off!

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