John Deere 318 with 44 front end loader

I have a JD 318 tractor with a #44 loader. What is the proper oil to use in the loader. I fixed a leaking hose this morning. The oil that dripped out was pink leading me to believe the previous owner was pouring ATF in it. The pink color tells me it also has water in it. I will probably just add some ATF for now since I will be flushing it out soon. It's too cold today to be working outside in my un-heated, open air shop (driveway). What would be the best way to flush it.
I have a JD 318 tractor with a #44 loader. What is the proper oil to use in the loader. I fixed a leaking hose this morning. The oil that dripped out was pink leading me to believe the previous owner was pouring ATF in it. The pink color tells me it also has water in it. I will probably just add some ATF for now since I will be flushing it out soon. It's too cold today to be working outside in my un-heated, open air shop (driveway). What would be the best way to flush it.
Hy guard will work fine and was used on later 318s. Earlier ones often had type a trans fluid.

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