John Deere 350 Oil Pressure Gauge Tube location


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I have a John Deere straight 350. The oil pressure gauge is disconnected. Does anyone know where the tubing for the oil pressure gauge connects into the engine? Thanks
I have a John Deere straight 350. The oil pressure gauge is disconnected. Does anyone know where the tubing for the oil pressure gauge connects into the engine? Thanks
I believe there is a 1/8 NPT port in the top face of the flywheel housing (the plate the starter bolts to) just to the right of the starter., when looking towards the rear. That is where it is on the four-cylinder engines.
I believe there is a 1/8 NPT port in the top face of the flywheel housing (the plate the starter bolts to) just to the right of the starter., when looking towards the rear. That is where it is on the four-cylinder engines.

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