John Deere 60 clutch engagement issues


New User
I have a John Deere 60 that is hard to get going, it will move but not at its full capacity until I push the clutch lever further than it’s supposed to be, any help would be greatly appreciated
Do you know how to adjust the clutch in the pulley? Give it a try, tractor not running, pulley cover off, cotter pins out of the three adjusting nuts, loosen or tighten the nuts each the same to get a good SNAP when the clutch lever is engaged and disengaged. If this does not help, you will need to service the pulley clutch.
I have a John Deere 60 that is hard to get going, it will move but not at its full capacity until I push the clutch lever further than it’s supposed to be, any help would be greatly appreciated


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I was in taller grass than I should have been last week and stripped 2 of the 3 the clutch bolts off where they adjust. Yours should be a size bigger than the b. If you just need to take up a bit of thread washers can be added make sure the cotter key goes through the hole nice by adding or removing I believe there are 2 height of holes don’t skimp and put a small chemical flag wire through like my A has. I’d be careful going for that second hole though without checking to verify the clutch facings are ok I also had a split outer facing. That one is easy to check. If there’s any indication it’s time to replace the Inner one driving disk has to come off the crankshaft.

Make sure you don’t over tighten those 3 bolts as well grandpa always said 80 lbs of pull on the lever but you can get away with a bit less. Good snap. Tightening the nuts evenly

Sure beats the panic of when you are headed in the shed thought you had it close from the ground but takes 2 hands to disengage. In hindsight could have idled down and stomped on the brakes to kill the little tractor (or a key on your newer tractor with a distributor) but it still isn’t a situation you want to be in.
Odds are the pulley, plates and bearings have not been removed , cleaned and inspected for several decades .
It won’t adjust with a broken plate or rusty toggles etc .
You do have an operator’s manual ?
Do you know how to adjust the clutch in the pulley? Give it a try, tractor not running, pulley cover off, cotter pins out of the three adjusting nuts, loosen or tighten the nuts each the same to get a good SNAP when the clutch lever is engaged and disengaged. If this does not help, you will need to service the pulley clutch.
Even all this has been said….NO LARGE AMOUNT OF FORCE IS NEEDED TO ENGAGE THE Clutch…minimal at most… All needed is a nice light “Snap”..
My 720 D with 4x16” NEVERSlipped the clutch (and Never Broke any $50.00 Bolts) Set this way…

Same for my JD 630 with 4X16” 8” deep and always in 2nd gear in Alfalfa.. Not more than 5-10 lbs to disengage the clutch.
Those Clutches were built TOUGH and need not be set too tight…

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