John Deere 7000/7100 soybean feedcups question

On my JD 7100 Soybean Special planter when preparing it for planting this season I found some cracks in some of the adapters (JD part # AA27100. The cracks are where the two bolts hold the housing (JD part # AA28036) the the feed cup bowl (JD part# AA26713) is driven by the chain. I have a couple where there is a crack in the upper that slides down and is fastened to the seed box. I was wondering if there is some type of adhesive that couple be used to make a repair? I have some Gorilla glue that I tried to see how it would set up and hold. DEERE wants $28.95 each and I need about 6 of them. Any assistance or information is always appreciated.
Save your $29 each and invest in a set of radial bean meters. Those feed cups are like a grain drill nothing more than a controlled spill. You will save enough seed to pay for them the first year. I thought the feed cups were ok untill my neighbor and a seed dealer talked me into changing. Better more even stands and much easier to set. With the cups to do it right you need to reset the planter everytime you get soybeans of different seeds per pound. That meant driving so far with the planter planting on top the ground and counting seeds per foot and then trying different sprocket combos to get what you want. With radial meters once you have population seed size does not matter. There is a ABC setting for seed size but is easy to change. Here in the midwest you can find 7000-7100 meters for $50-75 each. We now plant 140,000 seeds per acre. With the cups we planted 180-200,000. Seed saving alone will pay for them. Tom
You can usually find the bean meters used for $60-100 each, and would be a -much- better investment than cups or a bottle of adhesive.

The meters save you seed, will pay you back on even a few acres.

Deere, Kinze, and Shoup all have some, all are fine would look for a good deal not a brand.

Buy a set of new brushes to go with, and be good to go!

Be far cheaper. Really.

If you can do it the radial meters are the way to go. I used the cups once. ONCE. That was the first year Pioneer had the polymer seed coating. The beans ran through the cups like water on 15 rows. The result was nowhere near what the chart in the book predicted. I ended up setting the planter to drive the cups as slow as possible and had to run over 10 MPH to get the seeding rate down to where it should have been.

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