John Deere 7600 air in hydraulic oil

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Sorry for the long question in advance.7600 question 3652 hrs . I repacked the hydraulic remotes and hydraulic lift valves and the transmission filter light comes on . I changed the filters and it will run about 8 or 10 hrs before it does it again. I’ve cut the the filters open and they will be clean as a new one . I’ve burp the the trans/hydraulic cooler and it made 2 hay seasons without doing it. So last fall I repacked the 3 point lift cylinders and it’s doing again. I’ve used 3 filters this week cutting hay . It seems to be foaming the oil . I’ve updated the air pump in the trans and checked for cracks in the pickup tube. I even spent about 5000 at the jd dealer last year and still no fix . Any ideals ?
Sorry for the long question in advance.7600 question 3652 hrs . I repacked the hydraulic remotes and hydraulic lift valves and the transmission filter light comes on . I changed the filters and it will run about 8 or 10 hrs before it does it again. I’ve cut the the filters open and they will be clean as a new one . I’ve burp the the trans/hydraulic cooler and it made 2 hay seasons without doing it. So last fall I repacked the 3 point lift cylinders and it’s doing again. I’ve used 3 filters this week cutting hay . It seems to be foaming the oil . I’ve updated the air pump in the trans and checked for cracks in the pickup tube. I even spent about 5000 at the jd dealer last year and still no fix . Any ideals ?
What transmission is it . What pressure tests have been done. Has the transmission filter bypass valve been checked . Has the pressure switch been replaced .
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power quad and I put a new filter by past valve pressure has checked good pressure switch has been replaced
I don't have a book so this is from memory. If I remember right the transmission filter switch turns on when the bypass valve opens a quick test for you would be when the light comes on leve it set over night if light comes on fairly quick the filter is plugged. If you didn't know the filter underneath is just transmission and the one back by the wheel is just hydraulic. The hydraulics have a separate pickup tube from the transmission . It is normal for a little foam to show in the site glass. Sorry about not getting back to you I have been trying to hay.
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I don't have a book so this is from memory. If I remember right the transmission filter switch turns on when the bypass valve opens a quick test for you would be when the light comes on leve it set over night if light comes on fairly quick the filter is plugged. If you didn't know the filter underneath is just transmission and the one back by the wheel is just hydraulic. The hydraulics have a separate pickup tube from the transmission . It is normal for a little foam to show in the site glass. Sorry about not getting back to you I have been trying to hay.
Thanks . I've cut several filters open and they will be clean as new .I am at wits end with this lol . And I put the cutter on two days ago to start cutting hay also and now either the hydraulic pump or the charge pump is making a noise like its starving for oil some times . I have drain the oil and checked the screens which are all clean .
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