john deere A carburator

old truck lover Yes it will work. The 44 model had a 53 carburetor. The 49 if a gas had a 71. The 71 being a gas carburetor and the 53 being All Fuel. Same size in and out. The 71 being gas will idle and run a little bit better at idle but horsepower under load will be same. Lynn
old truck lover Yes it will work. The 44 model had a 53 carburetor. The 49 if a gas had a 71. The 71 being a gas carburetor and the 53 being All Fuel. Same size in and out. The 71 being gas will idle and run a little bit better at idle but horsepower under load will be same. Lynn
thank you for replying to my question i was looking for a carburator for a john deere A i got that was missing the carb and sheet metal and steering rod and cap.

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