John Deere B - no oil pressure at pipe to gauge

andy r

I have a late model John Deere B that I wanted to get running again. Needs a new battery and probably starter work, but the engine does turn over well by turning the flywheel (had taken the cover off). Filled crankcase with oil. Took the little pipe off at the top of the crankcase that goes to the oil pressure gauge. I cannot get oil to come out of the fitting. Can almost continously turn the engine over by hand with the spark plugs out and no oil it coming out of that fitting. The coupler is on the oil pump drive shaft and it is turning. I have not changed the filter. I don't think water got in the crankcase and froze something, but that could be a possibility. Ideas??? Thanks.
I have a late model John Deere B that I wanted to get running again. Needs a new battery and probably starter work, but the engine does turn over well by turning the flywheel (had taken the cover off). Filled crankcase with oil. Took the little pipe off at the top of the crankcase that goes to the oil pressure gauge. I cannot get oil to come out of the fitting. Can almost continously turn the engine over by hand with the spark plugs out and no oil it coming out of that fitting. The coupler is on the oil pump drive shaft and it is turning. I have not changed the filter. I don't think water got in the crankcase and froze something, but that could be a possibility. Ideas??? Thanks.
If the oil pump is turning I would check for a plug around the screen to the pump or a broken line to a bearing. Maybe you need to turn it faster. Ron MN
I have a late model John Deere B that I wanted to get running again. Needs a new battery and probably starter work, but the engine does turn over well by turning the flywheel (had taken the cover off). Filled crankcase with oil. Took the little pipe off at the top of the crankcase that goes to the oil pressure gauge. I cannot get oil to come out of the fitting. Can almost continously turn the engine over by hand with the spark plugs out and no oil it coming out of that fitting. The coupler is on the oil pump drive shaft and it is turning. I have not changed the filter. I don't think water got in the crankcase and froze something, but that could be a possibility. Ideas??? Thanks.
I've seen the filter/screen cause problems after sitting 10 years or more
I have a late model John Deere B that I wanted to get running again. Needs a new battery and probably starter work, but the engine does turn over well by turning the flywheel (had taken the cover off). Filled crankcase with oil. Took the little pipe off at the top of the crankcase that goes to the oil pressure gauge. I cannot get oil to come out of the fitting. Can almost continously turn the engine over by hand with the spark plugs out and no oil it coming out of that fitting. The coupler is on the oil pump drive shaft and it is turning. I have not changed the filter. I don't think water got in the crankcase and froze something, but that could be a possibility. Ideas??? Thanks.
Get the starter working & spin it for a while.
I have a late model John Deere B that I wanted to get running again. Needs a new battery and probably starter work, but the engine does turn over well by turning the flywheel (had taken the cover off). Filled crankcase with oil. Took the little pipe off at the top of the crankcase that goes to the oil pressure gauge. I cannot get oil to come out of the fitting. Can almost continously turn the engine over by hand with the spark plugs out and no oil it coming out of that fitting. The coupler is on the oil pump drive shaft and it is turning. I have not changed the filter. I don't think water got in the crankcase and froze something, but that could be a possibility. Ideas??? Thanks.
A new filter, new oil, a good crankcase cleaning, and at operating rpm I now have good oil pressure.

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