John Deere LF spreading rates?

Hi all
I got my LF spreader unseized and working again. Found this graph online on spreading, though I am a bit lost. Anyone explain it in laymans terms? trying to figure out How much material gets spread per sq ft or per acre but can't figure it out? Specifically with the fertilizer feeders.
So say I set it at #6 on the indicator for agriculture lime, would I be spreading 240lbs of lime per sq ft?

Depending on the lime rate .If you want something like a ton to the acre you need to set it at more like the 20 setting or slightly more depending on again how much you are spreading per acre. That setting would be in the area of 1680 pounds per acre and again that depends on if the lime is dry or has been rained on. Wet lime will feed slower than dry lime. You will need to check your feed rate compared to what you really want to put on.
In my experience with lime and drop spreaders (which is rather extensive, as our fields are so acidic and as we've had many brands of drop spreaders over the years), the charts on the machines are usually not applicable/reliable. If you're getting lime screenings from a quarry, every quarry has slightly different screened sizes, and probably different than what they calibrated that chart for. If pelletized ag lime it's a completely different animal again, and your chart won't apply at all. And if it's from a quarry or sitting in a pile in the field, it's probably a little wet from sitting outside so it'll sometimes bridge over the agitator and the density will be different than what it was calibrated for. It's usually a case of doing whatever you have to do to make it come out at all and not bridge (usually opened all the way and a little speed so the bumps break it apart), then do a second round or half overlap as required if you need more. You don't need to get too fussed about perfectly accurate spread rates with lime. Spread a load or two and see how it goes, then adjust accordingly.
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Did you ask about lime as an example, or is that what you are going to spread? That is a low capacity hopper for lime over large acreages. I remember spending a lot of time refilling the spreader when spreading lime. Wet lime will turn into paste and plug up. If it’s borderline wet, don’t run the agitator unless you are actually spreading. I never had trouble with bagged lime, but bulk lime can be a different story.

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