John Deere R Pulley Removal


I'm working on a 1954 R. I need to remove the pulley to clear out whatever sand got in behind it when it was sandblasted. I figured it should be similar to my 1939 D, just remove the clutch drive components inside the pulley, then remove the clutch fork and slide the pulley off. Well no go. While trying to remove the clutch fork the pulley moved out about 1/2 and won't go back in. Still can't get the clutch fork out so I decided to remove the entire primary drive cover thinking the pulley assembly should come with it. No go again. Can't get the cover to move out more than 1 or so. I have the original John Deere R Service manual but it doesn't say anything about pulley removal.
What am I not doing?
Your doing everything correct.. The R clutch is the same as your D clutch.. There must be a bur on the crankshaft from the bearing or the roller bearing is piled up.. Try: put a bar on the pulley gear inside the first reduction housing through the fork opening.. See if you can force pulley off???
JIM MN. Well, all the shaking and jiggling in the process of trying to remove the entire side cover and pulley as a unit the clutch fork literally fell out. I may never know why it didn't come out in the first place and can't find a reason the pulley moved out 1/2 inch and wouldn't go back in, but it's all back together. I did find the reason the cover wouldn't slide off. The two places in the top of it where engine and transmission oil are added have castings that redirect the oils. Those castings hit the large primary gear as the cover is moved straight outward. It needs to be tipped out at the bottom and raised a bit which can't be done with the pulley in place. All is well.
Little late on this, but with 830 or the 820 guys grabbing those dates as reasons to brag about their tractors. how about making 9/19, as the JD R day? After all. 9-19 is national Talk Like a Pirate Day and what pirate would not celebrate the "Rrrrr!" today?

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