Jubilee no spark UPDATE


Southern Ontario
The neighbour dropped off his new-to-him last year Jubilee that he ran last fall, parked it over winter and no start this spring. I believe he had someone try to mess with it before he phoned me because the spark plug wires were on wrong and the new points were not installed properly (not insulated). He put on a new coil as well as the points but he should have changed the rotor as well because the metal tip on it was wobbly. I have ordered new rotor and cap but with some super glue on the old rotor I have the tractor running.
It is a nice tractor with all 4 new tires and it looks good.

PS The blue voltage regulator had 6V on it's underside, so you folks were right that there was no standardization in colors between 12v and 6v.


  • Jubilee 01.jpeg
    Jubilee 01.jpeg
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    Jubilee 02.jpeg
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Thanks for the update.

Thanks for confirm what we said about the regulator, it may help someone in the future. Colors of regulators, battery cables, wire, etc. are not to be relied on, best to check and verify.
Thanks for the update! BUT, in my opinion you “last post first” guys are hilarious! This could have simply tacked on to the first post then it comes back up to the top of the list for “normal” folks to view. Such are the ways of old stubborn tractor guys.

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