Kioti DK40 fuel gone/

wENT TO START MY dk40 this spring and the tank was empty. poured in 5 gal diesel then 15min later tried to start, almost started then stalled. checked the fuel and it was empty again. Checked the oil level and found the fuel. I guess the pump is bad. Has this been a problem?
wENT TO START MY dk40 this spring and the tank was empty. poured in 5 gal diesel then 15min later tried to start, almost started then stalled. checked the fuel and it was empty again. Checked the oil level and found the fuel. I guess the pump is bad. Has this been a problem?
Not familiar with those engines, however a fuel pump (either transfer or injection as it may have) would be likely suspects. Excess fuel lines routed inside an engine, if it has such, can be another leak point allowing fuel into the engine base.
I know this don't help but....5 fresh gallons of fuel plus what disappeared the first time into an already oil filled crankcase the fuel/oil must be running out the dipstick tube isn't it? To leak that fast into a the crankcase the entry point must be huge. Do let us know what you find, Thanks.
I know this don't help but....5 fresh gallons of fuel plus what disappeared the first time into an already oil filled crankcase the fuel/oil must be running out the dipstick tube isn't it? To leak that fast into a the crankcase the entry point must be huge. Do let us know what you find, Thanks.
Replaced the mechanical fuel pump, changed the oil and filter, been fine since.

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