Kohler 20 hp starting problem


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Have a Scotts brand 20 hp Kohler, 48inch deck mower. Been runnng great for 13 years.

With cold engine, it cranks strong, but wont start until I put some fuel directly into carb. Starts right up then. runs like a champ, and will re-start with no problem after engine is warm

fuel line from tank to plastic fuel pump not leaking. replaced fuel filter - had no effect.

Also checked choke. closing and opening as it should. Fuel is fresh, and I always use Sta-bil with every tankful.

Any ideas of what to check next?
Without knowing the complete fuel line set up, I would look for a bad pick up in the tank. JDs are famous for lines coming apart, or falling off completely. I have one right now that will quit running with six inches of gas in the tank, I assume the pick up screen has come off the hose in the tank.
but it runs perfectly after I get it started...if pickup tube was malfunctioning...seems like problem would be present all the time.
Remove the air cleaner and pull the choke. Then look to see if the choke plate is being pulled all the way closed, I bet it isn"t. Adjust cable at the clamp so it closes all the way.
I have a similar problem with a Kohler 20 hp in a MAX 4 ATV. I deal with it like you do by priming the carb. If I start if every day it is not a problem. Somehow the fuel pump and line loose prime.
I agree with Butch.I have adjusted a many of mowers that would not start due to the cable being just a little out of adjustment.
Fixed the problem!

Seems there is a fuel shutoff solenoid (correct nomenclature??) at base of carb.

Removed it, sprayed it liberally with carb cleaner, jumpered it to the battery so I could operate it while holding it in my hand, then reinstalled it.

Works like a champ now. Starts fine...no manual priming required.

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