Kohler 27 hp Gravley zero turn mower running out of fuel.

Kohler 27 hp carb , starts and run cold but soon as gets hot shuts off. Thing is choke will keep it running long enough to get put back up. But now after new electric fuel pump again it’s not wanting to get the fuel. Moving the fuel supply changes how it runs? Seems it doesn’t want to pump uphill.
How old is the unit? Do you use non ethanol fuel? If not, run some Mechanic-in-a-bottle through the carb, ethanol plugs the carb passages up.
are you sure you don't have a breakin your dip tubes that are in your fuel tanks. Both of mine needed to be replaced, now it will empty both sides instead of quitting in the middle.
How old is the unit? Do you use non ethanol fuel? If not, run some Mechanic-in-a-bottle through the carb, ethanol plugs the carb passages up.
Granted,I've only been using ethanol blended gasoline since 1976, but I've found that it does just the opposite.
are you sure you don't have a breakin your dip tubes that are in your fuel tanks. Both of mine needed to be replaced, now it will empty both sides instead of quitting in the middle.
No experience with these whatsoever other than running them at our church. The thoughts about the “dip tubes” makes sense. I assume “moving the fuel supply” means switching it to the tank on the opposite side?
are you sure you don't have a breakin your dip tubes that are in your fuel tanks. Both of mine needed to be replaced, now it will empty both sides instead of quitting in the middle.
No im not I’m going to do that next. All the lines outside the tank are new. The clear fuel filter fills up with more than plenty then it starts running out then the filter is empty.
How old is the unit? Do you use non ethanol fuel? If not, run some Mechanic-in-a-bottle through the carb, ethanol plugs the carb passages up.
It’s 25 yrs old I think the reason the original vacuum pump won’t work is because of worn engine and less vacuum.
No experience with these whatsoever other than running them at our church. The thoughts about the “dip tubes” makes sense. I assume “moving the fuel supply” means switching it to the tank on the opposite side?
I was just hooking it up & while running I was moving the line around trying to find the best place for them & I noticed the change in the engine either revs a little or starts cutting out. With the electric pump running I can hold the line up and it takes a while to start coming out I hold it down and it squirts right away.
I meant to say I’m trying that next. Can’t stand this spelling thing gone haywire.
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With the electric pump running I can hold the line up and it takes a while to start coming out I hold it down and it squirts right away.
What/where “up or down” please post a picture or at least a more thorough description.
Difference in holding the line up vs holding it down towards the ground while it’s unhooked from carb with the pump running. It changes how it runs so I’m thinking how it’s routed makes a difference.
Granted,I've only been using ethanol blended gasoline since 1976, but I've found that it does just the opposite.
Exactly, ethanol is a solvent! We use it in all our 4-stroke engines. But, I was just given my Father-in laws 50 year old chain saw, and the gas cap was buggered up. It seems anything that old isn't necesarily compatible with ethanol, I have seen 2 gas tank caps swell up so they won't screw into the tank, but after about 10 years they shrink back, if you only use non-ethanol. In some areas it's hard to find gas without ethanol.
Difference in holding the line up vs holding it down towards the ground while it’s unhooked from carb with the pump running. It changes how it runs so I’m thinking how it’s routed makes a difference.
Are you running the mower under load when you do this? If not you would have to be barely getting enough gas to your carburetor. I would think if the carb bowl is full there would probably be no immediate change in how the engine runs for 10 seconds or so after gas flow has been stopped to the carb. If running unloaded anywhere from an idle to over half throttle. Are you sure you’re not wiggling some wires while you are moving the gas line around?
not under load. It’s just not getting enough gas like you said barely enough to get it running. When it starts die I can give it some choke it will keep it from quitting. Or I’ve noticed a couple of times when moving the lines it changes how the engines running. It’s a 6-9 lbs pressure electric pump. I’ve ran 4 to 6 pressure and it has ran many hrs that way started having this problem more and more to the point I can’t use it.
I’ve messed with this thing nursing it through for a couple years at least. I’ll get it going then it starts its stuff. I’m going to check lines inside the tank but it’ll run like a champ for about 10 mins. Then boggs down have to use choke to get it back in the barn. One min the fuel filter is bubbling with fuel next it’s empty. If it was to much gas how could it be empty?
I’ve messed with this thing nursing it through for a couple years at least. I’ll get it going then it starts its stuff. I’m going to check lines inside the tank but it’ll run like a champ for about 10 mins. Then boggs down have to use choke to get it back in the barn. One min the fuel filter is bubbling with fuel next it’s empty. If it was to much gas how could it be empty?
Your new fuel pump is not doing what it needs to do. I know this is a stupid statement but do you have the fuel pump installed with the inlet side attached to the fuel tank. Also make sure the pump is installed with the wires hooked up positive and ground in the correct position.
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Your new fuel pump is not doing what it needs to do. I know this is a stupid statement but do you have the fuel pump installed with the inlet side attached to the fuel tank. Also make sure the pump is installed with the wires hooked up positive and ground in the correct position.
Yep. I’ve went through several last few yrs. I thought maybe they were just cheap which they are some quit working some just barley this one is new at first it did fine ran about 15 mins great then boom started cutting out one again chocked it to keep it running another min. No more till it quits. Yes I payed attention input -out. All indications says it should run fine. I can’t figure it out. I can get a 49 ford tractor running great but this Gravley zero 60 in cut mower has me puzzled. I thought if you have to choke it it’s needs gas.
There has been no clarification by you if you have checked the “dip tubes” as JW asked in reply 3. I can only assume he knows what he is talking about. This would mean the fuel pump draws fuel up through tube that are inside the tank. Do you fuel hoses connect on top of the tank? If so this would be something to check for sure. A crack or leak of some type here would hinder the ability to draw fuel up.
Yep. I’ve went through several last few yrs. I thought maybe they were just cheap which they are some quit working some just barley this one is new at first it did fine ran about 15 mins great then boom started cutting out one again chocked it to keep it running another min. No more till it quits. Yes I payed attention input -out. All indications says it should run fine. I can’t figure it out. I can get a 49 ford tractor running great but this Gravley zero 60 in cut mower has me puzzled. I thought if you have to choke it it’s needs gas.
I installed a 610-1078 fuel pump from NAPA on my miller bobcat welder. Engine should be the same size as yours. psi on this pump was 1.5-4 psi. It works pretty well for me. I suspect your pump shuts down after pressure buildup could be a a safety feature. Some have a bypass back to the tank for the pressure buildup.

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