I have a 2018 Kioti DK 5510 and just had the 50 hour service done. YES, that is correct 50 hours. Since then I have had the water in fuel light and the CEL light come on. I had put a few gallons of fuel from one gas station after and have since added diesel fuel additive for water and drained the fuel filter. Today I was brush hogging and the water in fuel light didn't come on but the CEL did. I shut the tractor down, checked the oil and water even though no other guages were lite up other than the CEL. I started it back up and no CEL so went back to brush hogging and about a half hour later it came back on. Shut it down in the field and waited a couple of minutes and started it up with no CEL lite on. Went about another half hour and back on it came. I have a service manual for it but it doesn't mention a thing about the CEL lite coming on in the troubleshooting guide or anywhere else for that matter. I hate to take it back to the dealer as that means I have to have them haul it to and fro. Any ideas as to what may be the problem?