Laycock dual disk 10" in DB 885


This probably a dead end but... do any of you have access to or know someone who has... the tool kit for servicing the double 10" Laycock clutch pressure plate used in some of the 885's?

The factory manual does a decent job of explaining what to do but the tool kit spacers thickness' for setting finger height are not given.

My local brake and clutch repair shop wants $525 to disassemble, clean and check/adjust the PP settings.
Assemble clutch assy and push tractor together. Adjust clutch fingers then re split tractor and install clutch cover. Spacers you mentioned are supposed thickness of clutch disc lining.. Another option is to send unit to AG Parts LTD or Hy-Capacity.The DB clutch adjusting tool/procedure is not needed imho.
(quoted from post at 19:00:13 04/24/18) Assemble clutch assy and push tractor together. Adjust clutch fingers then re split tractor and install clutch cover.The DB clutch adjusting tool/procedure is not needed imho.

Could you walk me through the procedure. please? I am trying to envision leaving off the cover (or 'hat' to an old drag racer) as you suggest. I won't have possession of my clutch parts for reference until Friday when I pick up the disks and bearings. Seems the mounting/pivot points for the fingers were [i:2ea10903c3]in[/i:2ea10903c3] the cover?
Referring to cast top cover over clutch. With clutch assembled and in place, set throw-out brgs about where you think they should be and adjust fingers out to them.
(quoted from post at 05:29:28 04/25/18) Referring to cast top cover over clutch. With clutch assembled and in place, set throw-out brgs about where you think they should be and adjust fingers out to them.

The actual pressure plate then? The springs on one side the clutch disk on the other.
Scott, expect a phone call from Ron. Clutch rebuilder by me. Figured easier for you to talk to him direct than translate through me.
(quoted from post at 10:06:13 04/26/18) Scott, expect a phone call from Ron. Clutch rebuilder by me. Figured easier for you to talk to him direct than translate through me.

Super, thanks Arlen! Any luck I'll have clutch parts in hand tomorrow.

Any chance you've had time to dig through your box of stuff for a pair of T.O. bearing wear 'clips'? Also, back when we talked the first time, you thought there was a chance you had a salvageable bottom for tan 885's front sheet metal. It's the part that goes under the grill that my tractor seems to be missing.

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