Leaking Radiator on my Jet Star

Has anyone had any radiator work done on their M M tractor?
I live in Traverse City Mi. ( Northern Mich ) and am trying to find a radiator repair shop. These are becoming a thing of the past as I guess they don t fix them anymore just throw them away and order a new radiator or core
I ve got a 1961 M M Jet Star that has a radiator leak or leaks that I need to take care of. Looking for a recommendation of a shop with in a reasonable drive from here that does a good job.
I tried commercial stop leak and tried pepper but the leak is still there,.
Thanks for any asistance you can offer
I also live in Traverse City. At the orchard I help at we
ran into the same issue a couple years ago. We were
told then that Grand Rapids was the closest actual
radiator repair shop. Ended up buying a new one for a
685 International.
I use Freeman's in Greenville, but if you're coming down 131, by the time you turn off and come over
here on 46 to 91, you might as well go to Grand Rapids and use the one that Jack goes to.
(quoted from post at 19:51:05 11/17/23) Along a similar topic, does anyone know where I could get either a new radiator or new core to fit a Big Mo 500?
I checked with Welters Farm Supply in Verona MO
417 498 6496. They had just hotter a Jet Star in and the radiator was good, but needed some solder work on the top tank. That s the same place mine is leaking so I m just going to solder it up my self next week. Welters are great people to work with, supplied a majority of the parts I needed for my Jet Star.
Good luck with the radiator

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