Lift issues on a Ford 600.


New User
Hello, my buddy's Ford 600 ( 4 spd transmission) lift was working fine until he tried replacing the rear PTO seal and lost gallons of fluid because he didn't drain it out first. He replaced the seal, added gallons of oil and now the lift won't cycle. We've tried purging the hydraulic pump several times, appears to be good flow there. Trying to check the hydraulic fluid level but the dipstick is confusing. It has a line for Hydraulic pedestal level, then something about 'with all cylinders extended' and then a top fill line (as I recall). I've done some searching but can't find anything that explains the various markings on the dipstick. The oil level is around the bottom third of the dipstick, around the 'pedestal level' marking, but no lift. Should we top off the hydraulic fluid? From what I've read it doesn't really matter if you over fill it.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, my buddy's Ford 600 ( 4 spd transmission) lift was working fine until he tried replacing the rear PTO seal and lost gallons of fluid because he didn't drain it out first. He replaced the seal, added gallons of oil and now the lift won't cycle. We've tried purging the hydraulic pump several times, appears to be good flow there. Trying to check the hydraulic fluid level but the dipstick is confusing. It has a line for Hydraulic pedestal level, then something about 'with all cylinders extended' and then a top fill line (as I recall). I've done some searching but can't find anything that explains the various markings on the dipstick. The oil level is around the bottom third of the dipstick, around the 'pedestal level' marking, but no lift. Should we top off the hydraulic fluid? From what I've read it doesn't really matter if you over fill it.
Thanks in advance!
Ignore the side that says pedestal, that's for the pedestal on row crop tractors only. The side that says with all cylinders extended is what you want. you check it with the 3-point raised and any external cylinders extended.
Ignore the side that says pedestal, that's for the pedestal on row crop tractors only. The side that says with all cylinders extended is what you want. you check it with the 3-point raised and any external cylinders extended.
Sean, thanks very much for your informative response. My buddy was indeed using the wrong side of the dipstick. He's hoping once he tops up the fluid he'll get his lift back in action!
Sean, thanks very much for your informative response. My buddy was indeed using the wrong side of the dipstick. He's hoping once he tops up the fluid he'll get his lift back in action!
My name, Sean, is Gaelic (traditional Irish language) for John, but John P. provided that answer, not I.

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