Link to photos of front-mount cultivators - Wisc. Hist. Soc.

Al L. in Wisc.

Well-known Member
Good grief!!!!!!!!

I've been trying to post the link w/photos of our red iron that shows tractors w/front mounted cultivators. I'm guessing this site doesn't allow me to post something harmless like that by the text that keeps appearing:

Reminder: No advertising. No political comments, hate speech or bigotry of any kind. No promotional website links. Violations will be removed and posting privileges may be revoked. Thank you.

Sooooo, if you are open-minded and computer-talented you may indulge in the apparent forbidden wisconsin state funded historical society internet site; which by the way receives contributions from some IHC chapters.......I simply typed in the word should I continue with my coffee is now cold......

any who, my original post continues.....

Recent posts regarding front mount cultivators got me thinking about doing a Wisc. State Histerical :lol: Society search. Two plus years ago I visited there a few winter days; wow, what a wealth of literature. I recall seeing print material with front mounted units on the 60 series Farmalls. I copied lots of stuff but, nope, I neglected to print that material. My opinion folks, send the wife shopping while you get lost for hours in the archives.

A side note: Farmallhal was kind and sent me a multiple page printing of 'Application Listing of International Harvester Fast-Hitch and Mounted Implements for Farmall and International Tractors'. From peeking at this material again, I'm not able to id what the front units mounted on the 60 series tractors might be. If Hal is tuning in, possibly he can enlighten us. Enjoy your day folks!

Don't share this with anyone, but I simply typed the work [i:5c0747da7e]cultivator[/i:5c0747da7e] in the search box and found a ytmag forbidden link containing seven images.

I STILL mean it folks, 'Enjoy you day!
Al nice to see you lurking again and believe the 60 series you are referring too are the 460 ad 560 model tractors. I have little or no knowledge of cultivators but from looking through the document you made reference too I will list the cultivators which are shown as applicable to the 460/560 Farmall tractors. There were some but limited applications of some to the Utility or International 460 model noted.
The cultivators listed as being suitable for the Farmall 460 and 560 tractors are models 259, 261, 263, 461, 463, 465A, 665A and 667.
Again, I don't know if these listed models are front, rear or both mounted cultivators and hope this is of some value to this thread, Hal.

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