Load shaft seals. WHY!!???


Why did JD do such a poor job designing the load shaft configuration on 10,20,30,40 series tractors. Were their engineers asleep when they came up with the design of a shaft with a seal at either end trying to hold up tons of equipment? I have worn out and changed more than I can count. Yesterday I noticed the ones on my 4230 are leaking again. Just put them in last year. Yes. I know all about the need to replace the bushings and perhaps the shaft is worn, blah, blah, blah... It's still a stupid design.
When replacing the L/D seals do you shim the slack(side to side motion) out of the wishbone with the "special shim washers"??????? IMHO 30,40 & 55 series L/D seals are light years ahead of 10 & 20 series.

R47566 WASHER AR 1.22MM (.048")
R47567 WASHER AR 0.91MM (.036")
R47568 WASHER AR 1.57MM (.062")

I have a 4255 with over 10,000 hrs that the seals have been replaced once.
Yes it is a weaker part of the system, but one of the main problems with premature wear is the side to side end play, as the arms slam back and forth through out the day to much end play creates an in and out movement on the seals, this extra movement eats them out quick, Deere offers shims to do away with this, or you can come up with your own. Helping to pull a moldboard plow more efficiently is the reason for this system .
Something that we might be overlooking on these is excessive wear on front yoke pin and the slot in the yoke being worn and letting the yoke pound the shaft and bushings . Just a thought.
They weren't asleep, electronic loadsensing just wasn't an option yet. Be happy the hardest thing you have to do, is drain the oil, and put it back in. Our 4230 contracted a Topshaft Virus last week and is waiting on a rainy day for surgury. Hay is done anyway and the 42 isn't much help with the harvest.
The washer that comes with the seal goes in with the seal the shims were talking about go between the A-frame and the trans. case....
Properly installed and properly shimmed with a good shaft and new bushings they will last a long time. Without proper shimming they WILL fail quickly. And when it is all done right, they were the best load (draft) control in the tractor industry for their time.
I shouldn't really say anything, but I always thought that bend bar system was, well, king of silly at least. Found out when I worked at Deere dealership that it did bring a lot of work for shop though. I liked the IH torsion bar design but they wore out and were expensive to repair also. The Case, that was another story entirely, what a bunch of linkages in that box with a couple of cables running to and through it. And to top it off, one in a hundred farmers used the draft control features in this part of the country. Just set position control and go. Same for the electronic pins.

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