We constantly hear of guys wanting 'cheaper online tires.I say buy local. Example: last year I ruined a good 18.4x38 tire. After
only one day the new (Harvest King) spun on the rim,ruining a new tube as well. 3 days later,same thing.This time they said I
needed a new rim.Since I was done plowing,I oped to use the old rim and find a good used.Found one in KS later that summer.Then
in the fall I was fall plowing and it spun AGAIN! They put the rim on and I finished fall plowing.In Decembewr,I bought a second
HK for the oppisite side to get a matcked set.Foreward to this sring.....Plowed for acouple of days and Guess what?Spun again!
this time the tire dealer decided that the first tire was bad.Too big around.So...He refunded me FULL purchace price on BOTH HK
tires. Got me a brand new set of American made Firestone SRT 23* 8 ply.. Mounted them for free.I only pd the difference. $250
each. I think they treated me very well. Now,Try that with 'Online' tires......These local guys are neighbors and friends. they
hire local people to work,provide jobs...Now who wouldn't want to help keep these guys in business? As I said before,Buy
local!The job you save may be your own....
only one day the new (Harvest King) spun on the rim,ruining a new tube as well. 3 days later,same thing.This time they said I
needed a new rim.Since I was done plowing,I oped to use the old rim and find a good used.Found one in KS later that summer.Then
in the fall I was fall plowing and it spun AGAIN! They put the rim on and I finished fall plowing.In Decembewr,I bought a second
HK for the oppisite side to get a matcked set.Foreward to this sring.....Plowed for acouple of days and Guess what?Spun again!
this time the tire dealer decided that the first tire was bad.Too big around.So...He refunded me FULL purchace price on BOTH HK
tires. Got me a brand new set of American made Firestone SRT 23* 8 ply.. Mounted them for free.I only pd the difference. $250
each. I think they treated me very well. Now,Try that with 'Online' tires......These local guys are neighbors and friends. they
hire local people to work,provide jobs...Now who wouldn't want to help keep these guys in business? As I said before,Buy
local!The job you save may be your own....