Long model A


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i have a long model A in horrendous condition. i am looking for a front end or a parts tractor with a good front end. this one had a wide front but a narrow front would be good to. if you have anything let me know. 651-212-3412. thanks Mark
Same boat. Had a complete plus have a parts wide front but no front end. Was broken where rails are.
Mark, as you know I have a long A with a narrow front. Sorry breakfast didnt work this week, possible the first part of November when I get up that wat. I havent looked but what type of front end would fit? If I had some idea its possibly I could find something about our area.

i phrased my need wrong. the front pedestal is there but the wide front is not usable, sorry.any help give me a call 651-212-3412.thanks
i have a long model A in horrendous condition. i am looking for a front end or a parts tractor with a good front end. this one had a wide front but a narrow front would be good to. if you have anything let me know. 651-212-3412. thanks Mark
call Larry near Sidney Ohio. Has a complete but very rough long A . 937-638-0785
i have a long model A in horrendous condition. i am looking for a front end or a parts tractor with a good front end. this one had a wide front but a narrow front would be good to. if you have anything let me know. 651-212-3412. thanks Mark
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