Looking for a Hydr. Filter Housing for my 202(200 loader

So my 202 work bull has an in-line filter to the front pump just hanging by the line. I would love to have the OEM canister that mounts behind the grill. Anyone have a parts model or a lead on one?

This is the agco page for the canister but I cant find anything based on the model number. (671163M91)

I hate this setup and it cant be safe.
Parts for those old filter units can be a problem. The spin-on unit on your loader is a good option. You can change the hoses and relocate the filter housing to a location where you can fabricate a mount for the filter head. Just be sure to use a hydraulic oil service rated hose.

This post was edited by Jim.ME on 12/09/2023 at 09:56 am.

That looks too be where I'm going for sure. While I'm asking if anyone could tell me the actual hose route that would be great. The previous owners torched a section out of the frame to fit these hoses out the side and I'm going to be repairing that area.
The filter for the OEM housing is no longer available. I mounted a spin on in front of the radiator on mine. 1 1/4 NPT, 25 GPM (suction) 25 Micron.
(quoted from post at 13:15:08 12/11/23) The filter for the OEM housing is no longer available.

Nice setup! I'll aim for similar for now. I have someone checking on some scrap units for the OEM just if I want to do a restoration. Looks like your pressure line runs under the radiator to the left side? I'm thinking about moving my left sided controls to the right when I redo those hoses but not if its going to be a pain to rout the line.

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