Lost oil pressure yesterday.


The tractor was running great yesterday but when I idled the tractor down the oil light came on. I shut it off and a couple of hours later, we tried restarting the tractor. Still no pressure

Put a gauge on it and no pressure was indicated.

I dropped the pan to inspect the pump. Everything looked good.
Cranked the engine over to make sure the pump was rotating and it turned as I would expect.

Blew through all the passages and all seemed clear.

I did have one question though.

Is there supposed to be something in this hole like a ball an spring as a pressure regulator??

(quoted from post at 15:29:54 03/05/23) What tractor and engine?

Sorry about that
it's a 1958 Oliver 550, Gas Engine.

Just replaced the pistons and liners, Head resurfaced and valve seats installed. It was running great.
Check the oil filter base to see if the orifice pipe in center has come out. It controls the oil pressure.

I only worked on one 550 the my granddad owned
Don t remember a oil light but it had a gauge mounted on the engine at the oil filter
When my uncle and I finished the overhaul it made 13 psi oil pressure, granddad said that was one psi more than it had when he bought it new, a cousin owns it today


Check out the oil pressure relief valve. Mine was sticky on
my 59 550D from a little crud. After freeing and lubing the
light went off and I have 11-12 PSI
As TD3 said, check the relief valve. My guess is the increase in oil pressure from the new bearings combined with disturbing some old crud when it was over-hauled caused the relief valve to stick open. Open the retainer plug, tap the valve with a screwdriver or punch to release it. Work it out of the hole w/o losing any spacers that might be in it. Clean it up and replace it. Like my first mechanical mentor told me, always look to the simplest cause and solution to mechanical problems. 90% of the time it will be that. gm
(quoted from post at 08:26:49 03/06/23)

<img src=https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvphotos/cvphoto149192.jpg>

Check out the oil pressure relief valve. Mine was sticky on
my 59 550D from a little crud. After freeing and lubing the
light went off and I have 11-12 PSI

Wow, that would of been the last place to look for a relief valve.

Thanks for the picture.
Is there supposed to be a ball in there or a piston of some sort?

When I pulled the relief valve out all that came out was a spring and the cap.


For sure what that spring(?) on top is. I found it laying on the floor after blowing some air through the opening.

May of come out or was laying there before I started.

This post was edited by Jstrenk on 03/06/2023 at 02:58 pm.
I am cannot profess to be the subject matter expert but
mine has a metal sleeve in that opening that freely moves.
Your second picture looks to show about the size of my
sleeve, and yes, it looks like it may be stuck in there. Mine
only has a single spring. Heres what the book says on the
spring if you dont have one


The plunger is still in the hole. You need to fish it out with a strong magnet or something. I don't know what that little spring is. It was probably on the floor when you started.

Also, use the agco parts book online. It can be a big help. It's not the easiest website to find things, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a lifesaver. Search by parts book, enter your model of tractor, filter for "White." Happy hunting.

Here are a few photos from the Oliver Shop manual discussing low oil pressure and the relief valve. Note the difference between this manual and the I&T manual (Photo posted by TD3) I own
both manuals. I&T is more of an overview. Good Luck!



This is great. :D

I was just thinking how to remove the plunger as a magnet did not work and was contemplating using a tap and know I know the exact size I need. !!

I found a replacement on the agco site but have to make a few calls to see how to get one.
Using a tap worked out great.
Thanks for posting the direction!


There is some funny wear patterns on it. Looks like I may need to get a new one.


This post was edited by Jstrenk on 03/07/2023 at 01:34 pm.

yes, it includes a few more tractors. You can find it all over the internet. However, if you want to support Oliver history and those who are preserving the remaining records and build cards, order it from the Floyd County Museum in Charles City, IA. You could also order the build card for your tractor.


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